Travel from Debrecen to Kiev without changing trains

Travel from Debrecen to Kiev without changing trains

The train will cover a distance of almost 1200 kilometres via Lviv, Mukachevo and Debrecen. The 10:40 p.m. train from Budapest to Kiev will arrive at 7:11 p.m. the following evening, and the 10:16 a.m. train from Kiev to Budapest will arrive at 6:00 a.m.  the...
New shopping centre opened in Hajdúsámson

New shopping centre opened in Hajdúsámson

Xanga Ventures Private Equity Fund Management Zrt developed the S Box, which cost HUF 4 billion. The niche facility on Madár Street is home to large international retailers of chemicals, perfumes and clothing, among others. A long-standing wish of the people of...