
There is no successful city without successful businesses.

“The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ), which has been in operation for three and a half decades, now has 28,000 members, of which more than a hundred are in Hajdú-Bihar. In Debrecen, a separate municipal organisation (EDC Debrecen) has been working on the development of the economy for eight years, the results of which are already visible. The future of industries has appeared in the city, and the task of the next few years is to further strengthen business relations between small and medium-sized enterprises and multinational companies,” Mayor of Debrecen László Papp said at the VOSZ meeting of VOSZ.

The mayor talked about the unique industrial park that the municipality is creating for small and medium-sized businesses..

In the Southern Economic Zone, with the support of the government, a very significant infrastructure development process has occurred in recent years. This year, the infrastructural development of the first phase of the SME park will start, and the related governmental decision will be made soon, he emphasised.

János Eppel, President of VOSZ, said that VOSZ will prioritise business development in the coming years. Financial resources will be provided for this, and a nationwide office network will be built. This will be suitable for the administration of the Széchenyi Card Program, for expert advice and will also serve as a meeting point.

“We believe that we can only achieve the expansion of services, business development, promotion of VOSZ, better representation of companies’ interests, and a higher level of consulting work with these new offices to be established,” he emphasised.

An important element of the VOSZ’s strategy until 2026 is the establishment of the widest possible cooperation with the government as well as with the settlements. In addition, the use of innovative digital solutions is also planned to further raise the service level of the organisation.

Source: dehir.hu