
At the event, organised by Confindustria Ungheria, Mayor of Debrecen László Papp stressed that both sustainability and environmental protection are key aspects of urban development in Debrecen.

Debrecen will become a new regional business centre for Central and Eastern Europe. The city’s economy will grow sixfold by 2030. The annual turnover of Italian companies in Debrecen already exceeds HUF 15 billion, and there is great potential in business relations with Italy. In addition, Debrecen is a city of sustainable development,” the mayor said at the Italian-Hungarian Industrial Development Forum.  

“Not only are we committed to sustainability and environmental protection, but we also encourage new economic actors in the city to do the same. It’s clear that we have the knowledge and the technology to go a long way in promoting environmental protection and sustainability,” he pointed out.

Italy is our second biggest export market and one of the top 10 investors in Hungary, with EUR 280 million of Italian investment coming to the country in just a few years,” Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) Rita Szép-Tüske, praising Debrecen’s pioneering development path.

Debrecen is one of the biggest winners of the last decade from an investment point of view. “I would say that in Hungary, the rhythm of local economic development is dictated by Debrecen, so we are happy to continue this cooperation with the city,” she said. 

More than 150,000 Italian companies are brought together by Confindustria, whose Hungarian representation organised the business meeting.

Source: dehir.hu | Photo credit: Facebook (Papp László)