
Under the Development Plan “Gördülő”, two wastewater interceptors will be built on Csárda Road and associated pipelines on Monostorpályi Road and Cseresznye Street. The project was announced at a press conference by Viktor Papp, head of the Fidesz-KDNP of the Debrecen General Assembly, and Szabolcs Komolay, municipal councillor, on 16th of June 2023.

Since 1998, Debrecen’s leadership has been developing the city’s economy, public spaces and, as a result, its water utility system according to a consistent strategy, Viktor Papp said. He stressed that the development of the city’s sewage and drinking water systems under the so-called  Development Plan “Gördülő” amounts to HUF 100 million every year, and the local government always provides this funding from its own budget. He stressed that Debrecen – thanks to its economic development strategy and the resulting strengthening of its economy – could make an increasing number and value of investments from its own resources, which impact the whole city, including the districts. 

The greater the local tax revenue generated by a growing economy, the more roads, pavements, water supply and sewers can be built. He also said that the city of Debrecen, with the support of the Hungarian government to the tune of HUF 109 billion, will carry out major water utility development in the coming years to supply industrial investments with treated wastewater as industrial water. At the same time, the funds will be used to develop water utilities for economic purposes and increase the capacity for domestic wastewater disposal and drinking water supply. According to the leader, those who do not support the development of Debrecen’s economy do not support the city’s ability to deliver more and more development for the people of Debrecen every year, making life safer, easier and more predictable for its citizens.

Szabolcs Komolay stressed that an integral part of the urban development strategy is to ensure that investment in Debrecen is proportionate. This proportionality also applies to the garden district, where the District Development Programme also carries out developments worth billions of forints every year to make life easier for citizens. The water utility investment along Csárda Road, Monostorpályi Road and Cseresznye Street is partly linked to a suburban development, the asphalting of Csárda Road. In the past years, the construction of a gravity sewer has always been linked to the intermittent paving of Csárda Road. The project, now being launched, is intended to enable residents to use the already constructed sewage pipeline and connect their properties to it. The two wastewater interceptors being built along Csárda Road, together with the associated pipeline that is now being built along Monostorpályi Road and Csárda Street to Széna tér, will serve this infrastructure, which has already been built, and 70 households will be able to connect to it. The investment is worth a net HUF 184 million and will be fully self-financed by the municipality through Debreceni Vízmű Zrt. The works, which have just started, are expected to be completed by the end of August. Szabolcs Komolay asked the people living near the construction site to bear this small inconvenience in order to make their lives more comfortable, as this investment is a major step forward in improving the infrastructure in the outskirts of Debrecen.

The works, which will cover a total length of more than 1600 metres, will not affect the roadways of Csárda Road, Monostorpályi Road and Cseresznye Street, but people passing by should pay increased attention to the temporary traffic signs in the vicinity of the current work areas.

Source: debrecen.hu