
Mayor of Debrecen László Papp stressed that this is another way of keeping more talented young people in the city.

In January, an open day was held at the University of Debrecen’s Faculty of Technology, where BMW Group Plant Debrecen was also present. The German company has been cooperating with the university for years, but the current strategic agreement involves five faculties in different projects. According to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gróf Tisza István Foundation for the University of Debrecen, this sends a message to the students that a very high, science-based ecosystem is being created, which will increase the value of their degree. 

“This will enable them to be more active in the labour market and, not least, it will give them the opportunity to actively participate in the activities of a factory like BMW Group,” György Kossa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, said.

Managing Director BMW Group Plant Debrecen Hans-Peter Kemser stressed that the cooperation between BMW Group Plant Debrecen and the University of Debrecen has a long history, but today’s milestone takes this partnership to a whole new level. “We have found a partner with whom we can make this a reality,” he emphasised.

Debrecen University is Hungary’s largest university with the widest spectrum of training, rector Zoltán Szilvássy pointed out. In addition to innovation and training, they will also be able to develop new forward-looking collaborations. “We stand with great enthusiasm and high hopes for this cooperation, and the fact that it is embodied in a contract today is a special privilege and a special joy for us,”  the rector emphasised. 

Mayor of Debrecen László Papp spoke about the fact that Debrecen is going through a historic period; there are changes that will significantly impact the lives of the people living here. The current agreement represents one of the most forward-looking collaborations. “We have two very strong allies, BMW Group Plant Debrecen and University of Debrecen, to keep the talents and young people here in the city,” the mayor added. 

The agreement was signed by the Managing Director of the BMW Group Plant Debrecen and the Rector of the University of Debrecen. Afterwards, a vehicle was handed over to the students, who would gain insight into the company’s technology through a cross-section of the vehicle.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu