
The Létai Road and its surroundings were also discussed. The mayor said that the road is on the agenda, including storm water drainage. In the development planned for next year, the road will be completely reconstructed, including the drainage, all the way to the bridge at Kondoros. In addition, this stretch of road would be made suitable for safe cycling (creation of a cycle path).

Remény Street, which opens from Létai Road, is currently a dirt road. Asked whether a longer lasting solution could be expected instead of road straightening, László Papp said: There are still many streets in the outer, peripheral areas of Debrecen that have not been paved, even though the city spends considerable resources on transport development, road repair and road construction every year (for example, a renovation was recently completed on Csárda road.)

“This year, the city budget has earmarked HUF 2 billion for large-scale asphalting and new road construction. Two months ago, we launched a public procurement process to design the streets we plan to build this year and in 2024,” he said,  explaining that 24 new streets are planned, with the application for Remény Street also registered.

The most important consideration, in terms of the number of roads with ageing asphalt pavement and those requiring new asphalt, is the volume of traffic. Higher traffic volume is a priority, but the density of the population on the road is also a factor.

The mayor also mentioned the road improvements on Nagyerdei Körút. As he said, in line with earlier promises, a significant part of the boulevard has been reconstructed, from Simonyi Street to Martinovics Street. The 2023 development programme also includes the renovation of further sections, with work to continue after the Campus Festival.

“We are listening to the comments and will mobilise significant resources from the city’s budget to improve the city’s road network,” László Papp concluded.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu