
The handover of a bicycle service post – containing tools, pump, and puncture repair kit – was held on Sinai Miklós Street, between the German Primary School of Debrecen and the Vénkerti Primary School and Elementary Art School on 8th of August 2023, with the support of Sensirion Hungary Kft.

Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Lajos Barcsa took the opportunity to cycle to the event, using the cycle path leading to the event; he said: this service post is in a good place. For Debrecen’s leadership, cyclists are important, and it is important to provide the best possible infrastructure conditions for cyclists in the city. Around 2014, there were 80 kilometres of cycle paths in Debrecen, which has now been extended to 108 kilometres. The Kishegyesi Road cycle path section has been completed, connecting the Határ Road industrial park to the city’s cycle path network. At the same time, the Northwestern Economic Zone, Kismacs, has been connected, and a cycle path has been built along the Diószegi Road to the Erdőspuszta.

Cycle paths have therefore been developed in several parts of the city recently – most recently in the city centre, where a coherent network has been completed. Lajos Barcsa stressed: the city wants to continue there, as it would like to extend the cycle paths, for example, towards Kassai Road or to connect Pallag and other parts of the city to the network. The deputy mayor thanked Sensirion Hungary Kft. for its current offer and its managing director László Ábrahám, who has already demonstrated social responsibility on several occasions.

László Ábrahám referred back to the time when he first came to Debrecen; he missed the bike paths. He encouraged the city government to build them, His proposals were well received, and the process is well underway. Now the company wanted to help cyclists whose vehicles needed minor repairs, for example, on those occasions at the end of the week when the workshops were not open.

Sensirion has already set up a similar service post in the Határ Road Industrial Park, so this is the second one they have made available. Their experience with the first post was good, allowing them to set up a second post in cooperation with the mayor’s office. The current location is next to a cycle path, in a busy area, near a football and basketball field, and can be used to help school children and any cyclists passing by to service their bikes or inflate their balls. László Ábrahám stressed that cycling could be promoted even more strongly in Debrecen, as it is a healthy, environmentally friendly and enjoyable form of exercise. He said they were thinking of setting up more service posts and invited other companies to join this initiative to help the cycling community.

Nóra Gyarmatiné Piránszki, head of the Vénkert primary school, expressed her delight at the location of the service post. The school is a double Eco-School, and they do a lot to encourage their students to choose sustainable and environmentally friendly transport. Between 20-30 of their students and one-third of their staff regularly cycle to school. The school’s foundation has purchased 30 bicycles for afternoon and weekend nature walks. The service post provides the opportunity to repair any minor faults on the bikes.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu