
“Together with dignity in Debrecen” this was the title of an information day on hospice palliative and therapeutic care at the university’s clinical centre for GPs. At the event, Diána Széles, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, highlighted that an international quality of hospice care has been available in Debrecen for many years.

Around 6,500 people receive hospice care nationwide. In Debrecen, it has been available in the form of home care and inpatient care for six years.

At the end-of-life care professional day, Deputy Mayor Diána Széles stressed that the level of hospice care in Debrecen is international, in line with the city’s ambitions.

“Let’s try to bring as many international examples as possible so that we can then implement this here in Debrecen, and the people of Debrecen can receive care until the end of their lives, which is perhaps the most important care they can receive at the end of life,” she said.

In her presentation, Gyöngyi Porkoláb, health manager and chair of the board of trustees of the Debrecen Hospice House Foundation, which provides palliative care, highlighted that in the case of end-of-life care, the request for help often comes too late.

“In hospice palliative care, we do not want to help in the last days but in the last weeks and months, but palliative care itself can start after a patient with malignant cancer has been diagnosed, even if they are receiving palliative care or palliative therapy for a year or a year and a half,” the board chairman said.

Csaba Papp, Director of the Debrecen Institute for Primary Care and Health Promotion (Deafi), stressed that the main task of both the institute and the hospice is to provide care. In addition to general practitioners, the active involvement of health professionals is also needed to raise awareness of palliative care.

“We will call on them to know, and we will set up training courses so that they (the assistants) can get credits for it so that it is worthwhile to come if you like,” he added. 

About a hundred people attended the professional day. General practitioners, specialist nurses and specialist assistants were given detailed information on the aims, conditions and exact process of hospice palliative care in Debrecen.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu