The Municipality of Debrecen has successfully applied for the call “Strengthening local identity and cohesion” under the Operational Programme for Spatial and Urban Development (TOP).
The call, with the application ID number TOP-6.9.2-16-DE1-2017-00005 is entitled “Local community development in Debrecen2 district”, and it won a non-refundable EU grant of HUF 504,043,988. The development is 100% co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Hungarian budget. The overall goal of the project was to help and strengthen the activity of the communities and, at the same time, the intention of individuals to act independently by providing continuous professional and methodological support. With the involvement of people living in the target areas of the project, interviews, discussions and community surveys, as well as local action plans, were prepared.
In the framework of the action plans, the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods, their cooperating organisations, and public cultural and library institutions have carried out community actions, activities, events and programmes in partnership, and the tangible, built and intangible assets of the local communities have been explored.
Target areas for the implementation of the project: Csapókert, Kincseshegy, Falóger, Auguszta, Egyetemváros, Nagyerdőpark, Nyulas, Nagyerdő, Veres Péter kert, Gerébytelep, Júliatelep, Hőforrás, Sámsoni kert, Dobozikert, Burgundia, Nagyerdőalja, Szentlászlófalva, Péterfia, Sestakert, Libakert, Vénkert, Újkert, Kandia, Wesselényi target areas
Information about the community development process, its results and how to join it was provided at community information points run by the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library in all target areas. To ensure the professional quality of the community development process, training sessions were organised with the relevant partners.
Info communication accessibility was implemented on the website, and publicity was also provided on an ongoing basis.
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