
The instrument will be used primarily to examine oncology patients and to treat emergency cases, which could result in an increase in the number of patients treated and a reduction in waiting times for non-acute and non-cancer patients.

A new state-of-the-art MRI machine with a field strength of 1.5 tesla was recently installed at the Medical Imaging Clinic, replacing an old one with a lower field strength. The equipment will be used primarily for the diagnosis of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The clinic director said at the inauguration ceremony on Wednesday that the procedure is becoming more and more widespread in medical terms.

“One of the most critical areas is oncological care, where an increasing proportion of cancer patients must undergo MR scans to determine therapy. In any case, these tests must be carried out within 14 days in Hungary today,” Ervin Berényi pointed out.

The Diagnostic Imaging Clinic is the sole diagnostic and therapeutic services provider in a county of almost 600,000 inhabitants. The clinic has 100 doctors and 200 staff and is one of the largest organisations in the Clinical Centre.

In 2022 alone, 50,000 CT scans and 25,000 MRI scans were performed at the Clinical Centre. With new developments, such as the launch of the MR today, these numbers will increase even more,”  Zoltán Szabó, President of the Clinical Centre, said.

Gyula Elischer was entrusted with the organisation of the X-ray Department in 1921. György Balla, a member of the foundation’s board of trustees of the university, stressed that the first Hungarian radiology professor made the Debrecen X-ray department the centre of Hungarian radiology. This past imposes a massive duty on today’s radiology clinic, which can be fulfilled by improving the equipment and human resources.

An important milestone in this continuous development is the inauguration, 102 years after the establishment of the radiology clinic, of the current MRI machine, which is already working; of course, we can hear it buzzing,” he said.

The investment was the result of an oncology-cardiology tender and cost almost half a billion forints.

Source: dehir.hu | Photo credit: Pixabay