
On 30th of November 2023, the City Assembly will discuss the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy, which aims to define the 2021-2027 budget cycle development orientations. 

The document’s plans for educational developments were presented on 27th of November 2023 by Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Lajos Barcsa and Anita Pánya, head of the Manófalva Kindergarten in Újkert.

Lajos Barcsa said that education is a strategic issue for the city of Debrecen, as education development shows that the city has a future. The city’s goal is to offer young people who study here and later work here a full career.

The deputy mayor described recent developments and mentioned that developing education and training institutions was a key issue in the New Phoenix Plan. These improvements were linked to the resources of the Municipal Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 European Union budget cycle. During this period, 32 institutions were renovated for a total of HUF 8.8 billion.

Thanks to these improvements, eight nurseries, 19 kindergartens and five schools have been renovated. He recalled that the construction of the Tócóvölgyi Kindergarten was also completed in addition to the renovation of the kindergartens.

Lajos Barcsa pointed out that the city’s goal is to increase the number of students studying in Debrecen from 72,000 to 100,000. This will involve a significant increase in capacity, but it is important that excellent teachers can do their work in a dignified environment. As part of this, the city will continue its education development and institutional renewal programme, now announced under the Debrecen 2030 programme. One of the items on the agenda of the General Assembly to be held on 30th of November will be the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy, which will set out the directions for the 2021-2027 Urban Development Support Programme. A total of HUF 4.5 billion will be allocated in this funding cycle to improve two nurseries, 13 kindergartens and one school, mainly in the energy field.

As part of this programme, the renovation of the Manófalva Kindergarten in Újkert will also take place, which is a necessary and timely development. Lajos Barcsa thanked the staff and parents for their patience and expressed confidence that the Assembly will take the first step towards the long-awaited renovation.
Anita Pánya, head of the Manófalva Kindergarten in Újkerti, said that the kindergarten building had not been renovated since it was opened in 1979. They are trying to make various internal improvements, but the energy and exterior renovation of the building is beyond their means, which is why they are happy to be on the project list. In addition to the institution’s good professional reputation and quality, the renovation will provide children and parents alike with a worthy, “pretty exterior”.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu