
The development of the economy is sustainable and effective if environmental regulations are strict, respected, and complied with, Mayor of Debrecen László Papp said.

In order to achieve its environmental objectives and to protect the health of the Hungarian people, the Ministry of Energy is tightening the emission limits for industrial facilities. As part of the process, the ministry has initiated consultations with the National Environmental Council and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has submitted a draft decree for public consultation. The draft legislation on the tightening is now available on the government’s website, and comments were invited until 23rd of November.

Mayor of Debrecen László Papp said on his Facebook page that he supports the government’s plans. “The proposal is the right one because economic development is sustainable and effective when environmental standards are stringent, respected, and complied with. This has not been and will not be compromised. Debrecen comes first for us!” he posted. 

In a statement, the Ministry of Energy said that the government expects all investors to comply with environmental, labour and other rules applicable to their activities. The authorities constantly monitor this, and if the operation of industrial plants is not in compliance with the legal requirements or the permit, the authorities will take appropriate action to protect the environment and the Hungarian people. In line with previous practice and considering the experience of the authorities and comments from the public, the Ministry of Energy has again reviewed the emission limit values for industrial installations this year and proposes to tighten the limits.

The ministry will send the draft amendments to the regulations on air pollution level limits and emission limits for stationary sources of air pollution and on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds from certain activities to the National Environmental Protection Council and the Secretary General of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in addition to submitting them for public consultation.

Based on the German proposal, the proposed regulation sets the strictest limits in the European Union. This will further strengthen the protection of the health of Hungarian people and the environment.

The amended limits will apply from the 1st of January 2025 for plants already in operation and licensed before the regulation enters into force, according to a draft available on the government’s website.

Source: dehir.hu | Photo credit: DMJV