
Education, unprecedented teacher pay rise, enrollment information. Among other things, this was the subject of Friday night’s Public Affairs Extra programme of Debrecen Television.

László Türk has only been at the head of the Debrecen Training Center for a few weeks, but it cannot be said that his days are boring.

He said he would like to visit all the institutions under the Centre’s jurisdiction. He has visited a quarter of them so far, as he considers it important to meet and consult with colleagues in person to discuss specific issues. He considers these to be good meeting points: for the time being, he is meeting with the teaching staff, but he would like to meet with the students later.

He said that he felt it was necessary to talk about the wage settlement.

“The teaching profession started working in a new legal environment from the 1st of  January, with a new employment relationship. If there are still questions, let’s talk about them,” he said, adding that this change had brought a pay rise of historic proportions.

A gross average salary increase of HUF 144,000 -145,000 thousand is taking place for a large city elementary school. On average, teachers’ salaries increased by 32.2 percent, he stressed, which didn’t not mean that all teachers had the same increase. For example, there will be a bigger increase for teachers of shortage subjects, just as there may be a surplus in the opportunity pay component for teachers in disadvantaged localities.

As he said, this change is the start of something, and he is confident that there will be a further rise in wages.

“Colleagues who are about to retire should not be disadvantaged either, however, there are colleagues who took early retirement between the 15th of September and the 31st of December and did not enter the new legal environment, so they will not be affected to such an extent by this wage increase,” László Türk added, according to whom 50 days of vacation can also be an advantage for the teaching community.

He explained that since the fact of the wage increase came to light and was realised, more and more CVs have been sent to the maintainer and the institutions. This government measure can therefore help replace teachers, as its positive effects are already visible in the short term.

He said families in Debrecen whose children will be in first grade from the next school year have the opportunity to enrol until the 20th of February.

“A big question in the lives of families is which institution to choose. As a maintainer, I am convinced that all institutions bring significant value to children,” he said, adding that a range of training opportunities are already available across the city.

Due to the dynamic development of Debrecen, language learning is also very necessary.

As regards the primary schools maintained by the school district, bilingual education exists in two institutions: English is taught at the Lilla Téri Primary School and German at the Dózsa György Primary School in Debrecen. However, experiencing the high number of applicants, they would further expand the number of institutions providing bilingual education.

In two institutions, the Árpád Vezér Primary School and the Vénkert Primary School, it is proposed to start bilingual education in English.

These could be implemented from the 1st of  September 2025 at the earliest, if the proposal is approved by decision-makers.

Source: dehir.hu