Twenty-six streets are to be resurfaced this year, at a cost of nearly HUF 1.7 billion.
“The large-scale road repair programme started this year on Monostorpályi, Kishegyesi and István roads,” Mayor László Papp said Mayor on his Facebook page, adding that tomorrow the works will start on Jégvirág street, Ady Endre street and the Ondód access road (Kádár dűlő).
At a briefing on a different topic today, László Papp said that the section of Monostorpályi Road between Mikepércsi Road and Wekerle Street would be upgraded, the section between Kristály Street and Holló László Promenade on István Road would be renovated, and the section between Vág Street and István Road on Kishegyesi Road would be worked on.
Regarding Ady Endre Street, he said that they had received much feedback that the cemetery can be accessed on a road in poor condition, which was why they had decided to renovate the section between Nagyerdei Boulevard and the public cemetery.
The large-scale road repair means not only repairing locally potholes, but also mowing the entire width of the top layer, repairing defects in the road structure and kerbs, and then resurfacing the road.
In Debrecen’s 2024 budget, HUF 1 billion 670 million has been earmarked for the large-scale road rehabilitation programme, of which 26 streets will be partially or fully resurfaced.
These are as follows:
1. Tóth Árpád Street
2. Pallagi Road (between TEVA gates V and VI)
3. 21-31 Faraktár Street (entrance to the NAV)
4. the road to Dombostanya, Phase I
5. Izsó Street, Phase I
6. New Garden Street
7. Szív street
8. Tímár Street
9. Monostorpályi road
10. Jégvirág street
11. Alma street
12. Nyugati Street, Phase II
13. István Road
14. Kishegyesi road
15. Ady Endre street, Phase I (Nagyerdei Boulevard cemetery entrance, Gate 2)
16. Poroszlay road
17. Dugovics Titusz street
18. Sétakert street
19. Vezér street (the section after the railway)
20. Illyés Gyula street
21.Kismacs – Napraforgó Street, Phase III
22. Nagymacs – Castle Garden Street
23. Ondód – Kádár dülő (700 m)
24. Nagyerdei Boulevard – half track between the Pálma confectionery and Nagyerdei Boulevard 76
25. Várdai Miklós street
26. Rózsástelep street, Phase II