
“Megy a Meló” and “Unideb Freshman” are launching a platform in English and Hungarian to bridge the gap between students and the job market

The website simplifies student connections with top companies, enabling easy access to job opportunities and empowering them to kickstart their careers through a user-friendly interface.

Students can create a profile to showcase their skills and history, view job advertisements, and upload their full name, email, university, course, field of expertise, LinkedIn or portfolio link, short description, photo, and CV.

Companies can create job advertisements on the Create post section for public viewing.

The site is developed by Leo Reus, a student at the University of Debrecen. He is a web developer who specialises in front-end development. He currently lives in Hungary through the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship. The platform started four months ago.

Source: hajdupress.hu