
Career Week is an opportunity for students to find out about their options, both in education and in the job market.

Today’s panel discussion heard that more and more companies are entering into cooperation agreements with the institute, and the University of Debrecen is launching a number of new courses to meet market needs.

“We can combine learning with dual training in different companies. Our aim is to get as many people as possible into dual training with a vocational training contract,” Sándor Szilágyi, director of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre (DSZC), told the students.

Lajos Barcsa, deputy mayor of Debrecen, said that between 2015 and 2022, more than EUR 12 million of investment had been made in the city, creating more than 19,500 new jobs, of which 15,000 were still unfilled.

“It’s no longer a question of workers choosing where to find work, but of employers competing for workers with really competitive skills, which obviously has a positive impact on wages,” he said.

At the University of Debrecen, students graduating from the Chemical Engineering Technical School can continue their studies in a number of fields.
“We are an excellent ‘supplier’ for the Faculty of Natural Sciences, but we also want to provide for the Faculty of Pharmacy,” Zoltán Szabó, school’s director, said.

New courses are also being launched at the University of Debrecen to meet the needs of companies.

“In the future, there will be major developments not only in industry but also in education. Together with these companies and in cooperation with us, we thought of launching a specialisation in battery chemistry at the BSC, for example,” Sándor Kéki, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Debrecen, added.

During the Career Week, companies present their products at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. The institution is associated with companies such as Richter Gedeon and Teva.

Source: debrecen.hu