
Under the D2030 programme, major renovation works in Debrecen will continue in 2024, as in previous years. The primary aim is to replace ageing and deteriorated asphalt pavements and, where necessary, to improve the local structural condition of the road surface to improve traffic quality and safety. A press conference on the subject was held by local councillors Viktor Papp and Erzsébet Katona on the 4th of  March 2024 in Vezér Street.

As Viktor Papp said, thanks to the economic development processes launched ten years ago, the city’s local tax revenues are steadily increasing and the city’s economy is growing stronger, and as a result Debrecen is able to spend more and more resources on developments (such as transport development, welfare programmes, free travel for children aged 6-14 on local public transport) that significantly improve the daily living conditions of the city’s citizens. A significant number of major road repairs are taking place in the city this year. Each year, the city’s budget allocates an increasing amount of funding for this within the transport development objectives: this year, more than HUF 1.7 billion. 

This year’s large-scale road repairs are currently underway in several locations: Monostorpályi Road (section between Mikepércsi Road and Wekerle Street), István Road (section between Kristály Street and Holló László Promenade), Kishegyesi Road (section between Vág Street and István Road), Kádár plot, Jégvirág Street, Ady Endre Street (section between Nagyerdei boulevard and Cemetery), Pásti Street, in Nagymacs, the next phase of the large-scale road is the reconstruction of Kastélykert street (between Kastélykert street 31 and 55) and Pallagi street.

In all cases, the processes start with bench cutting followed by asphalt layer ground up,and where necessary, the structure is replaced and the channel covers are levelled.

Four more streets are now added to the list of road rehabilitation projects: on the 4th of  March, Phase III work started in Napraforgó Street, on the 7th of March on a section of Vezér Street after the railway crossing, on Menyhárt József Square and on the section between 16 and 20 Jerikó Street.  

Viktor Papp stressed that the city will focus on the development of both the districts and the residential areas, as well as the city centre. On the basis of comments from residents, the municipal representatives indicated the sections of the roads where improvements are proposed. The aim is to make the roads of Debrecen as comfortable and safe as possible. In addition to the large-scale road repairs, a number of road works will be carried out this year thanks to the preparatory work carried out earlier. The representative hopes that in the future the city will be able to implement an even greater number of transport development programmes, covering an even larger area, which are important in response to public signals and which will promote safe transport.

Erzsébet Katona, local government representative, spoke about the fact that this year in her district six points are affected by the large-scale asphalting: the asphalting has already started on Kádár plot, and in Nagymacs between 31 and 55 Kastélykert Street. The works will continue on a section of Vezér Street after the railway crossing. In Kismacs, Phase III work has also started on Napraforgó  Street, where buses 33 and 33E will be affected – buses will be diverted for the duration of the works, which are expected to last 4 weeks. On Illyés Gyula Street, the road reconstruction of the residential area will start this year, and on Szabó Lőrinc street, the section between Akadémia Street and Bay Zoltán Street will also be renewed. In addition to the major asphalt works, other major intersections will also be rebuilt, which will be announced later.

Since the road works may cause traffic difficulties in the vicinity of the work sites, Viktor  Papp asked for the support and patience of the city’s residents and road users, and expressed confidence that the weather conditions in the various locations will allow the works to be completed as soon as possible.  

Currently, large-scale asphalt paving is underway in several parts of the city as part of Phase IV. The following streets are affected:

1. István Road (section between Kristály utca and László Holló Promenade),

2. Kishegyesi Road (section between Vág utca and István út),

3. Kádár plot,

4. Jégvirág Street,

5. Monostorpályi Road (section between Mikepércsi Road and Wekerle Road),

6. Ady Endre Street  (section between Nagyerdei Boulevard and Cemetery),

7. Pásti street Phase II. (section between Hatvan Street and Pásti Street no. 8),

8. Kastélykert Street  in Nagymacs (section between 31 and 55 Kastélykert Street),

9. the next phase of the large-surface road renovation of Pallagi Road.


This week, asphalt works will start at four more locations:

On the 4th of March (Monday), the large-scale road improvement in Phase III of Napraforgó Street will start in Kismacs. The works will take 4 weeks, depending on weather conditions, but the contractor will do his best to complete the works as soon as possible.

The road section affected by the works will be closed for the duration of the works.

The two bus stops on Napraforgó  Street will be temporarily relocated to Zöldmező Street, so that buses 33 and 33E operated by DKV PLC will use a diversion route within the settlement.

On the 7th of  March (Thursday), road resurfacing work will start on three more sections:

  • Large surface improvement of the Vezér road (after the railway). During the investment, after the worn-out asphalt wear layer is ground, the new asphalt wear layer will be laid. The construction works will be finished with the arrangement of benches. The works will take 3 weeks, depending on weather conditions, but the contractor will make every effort to complete the works as soon as possible.
  • Major road repairs on Menyhárt József Square (section between Böszörmény service road – Jerikó Street). The works will involve milling the existing ageing asphalt pavement and laying a new asphalt wearing course. The works will take up to 4 weeks, depending on weather conditions, but the contractor will make every effort to complete the works as soon as possible.
  • Major road repairs to the section between 16-18-20 Jeriko Street. The works will involve milling the existing ageing asphalt pavement and laying the new asphalt wearing course. The works will take up to 4 weeks, depending on weather conditions, but the contractor will    make every effort to complete the works as soon as possible.

During the works, temporary traffic restrictions are expected on the affected section of road, so please follow the temporary road signs and do not drive out of habit.

In 2024, the following roads and housing estate service roads will be paved with large-surface asphalt:

· Monostorpályi Road (section between Mikepércsi Road and Wekerle Street)

· István Road (section between Kristály Street and László Holló Promenade)

· Kishegyesi Road (section between Vág Street and István Road)

· Ondód – Kádár plot

· Jégvirág Street

· Ady Endre Street, Phase I. (Nagyerdei Boulevard – Cemetery entrance Gate 2)

· Pásti Street, Phase II.

· Hun Street

· Tímár Street

· Alma Street (section between Kisdobos Street and Tubarózsa Street, half track)

· Poroszlay Road (the section between Nagy Lajos király Square and Bolyai Street, half-track)

· Vezér Street

· Illyés Gyula Street, Phase I.

· Kismacs Napraforgó, Phase III. 

· Nagymacs Kastélykert Street (Kastélykert Street between 31 and 55)

· Várdai Miklós Street (between Gábor Sillye Street and Ferenc Deák Street)

· Rózsástelep Street Phase II.

· Dugovics Titusz Street

· Böszörmény Road 31-37 parking lot (renovation of  Phase I. loop parking lot)

· Derék Street section between 124-142

· Hortobágy Street section between 14-16

· Sinai Miklós Street, Phase I. – renewal of service road

· Menyhárt József Square

· Szabó Lőrinc Street (between Akadémia Street and Bay Zoltán Street)

· Jerikó Street section between 16-18-20

· Borbíró Square

· Pallagi Road (section between TEVA Gates V and VI)

· Faraktár Street between 21-31

· Hadházi Road  (road section next to the spa)

· Road leading Dombostanya

· Izsó Street, Phase I.

· Szív Street

· Kölcsey Street – Leány Street junction

· Tóth Árpád Street

· Promenade Street

· Sétakert Street

· Nagyerdei Boulevard (halfway between Pálma Confectionery and Nagyerdei Boulevard 76)

Source: debrecen.hu