
In honour of Debrecen City Day and the 175th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, many programs await the people of Debrecen, the details of which were presented at a press conference at Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Café on the 5 of April, 2024.

Deputy Mayor István Puskás said that 11 April is a holiday in Debrecen, the day of the city and also the day of Hungarian poetry, and these two holidays have been intertwined for years. He stressed that 14 April is also an important date in the life of the city, as it is the day of the Declaration of Independence, the 175th anniversary of which is celebrated this year. “The two dates can show very important elements of Debrecen’s identity. On the one hand, the City Day is strictly about the city, through poetry we can talk about our cultural identity, and 14 April can show the very important role of Debrecen in the history of the nation. It can symbolically show all that Debrecen has given to the Hungarian nation. Debrecen’s role in the life of the nation and in its culture will come together on these days,” he pointed out.

He emphasised that this year’s programmes will be implemented in a spirit of great cooperation. The most diverse communities and actors of the city have mobilised and are working together so that as many of us as possible can experience, feel and understand the importance of these days. István Puskás added that 16 April is also an important date, as it is the day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust in Hungary. He recalled that the tragic events in Debrecen took place 80 years ago, and that the commemoration should also include the losses the city suffered in 1944.

Chairman of the Municipality of Hajdú-Bihar County Zoltán Pajna recalled that already in connection with the county day, they had joined the formulation that Debrecen does not exist without the county, and the county does not exist without Debrecen. He emphasised that either during historical or notable events they try to organise the programs together, as cohesion and cooperation are very important in strengthening identity, which is very well articulated in all settlements.

President and pastor of the Reformed Church of Debrecen-Great Church Parish István Oláh spoke about how the Reformed Great Church of Debrecen is not only the centre, the heart, but also the soul of Debrecen.  “April 14, 1849 was not only an ordinary day in Hungarian history, but also the day of one of the most significant events, Hungary’s independence was declared in the Great Church,” he recalled the historical events. As he said, the Great Church wants to convey a message to everyone who comes here, according to which it is worth standing firm and being brave. Within these walls Hungarians stood their ground, this is the building of national standing.

Deputy Director of the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library,Tünde Szabó presented the programs of the Debrecen Poetry Festival. As she said, a quote by János Térey “ I want nothing but movement” was chosen as the motto of the series of events this year. She emphasised that there is no cultural institution that has not joined the festival, but educational institutions, many members of the Friends of the Book Network, NGOs, confectioneries and bookstores have also played a role in the creation of the festival. The programs also include a bicycle tour with poetry, a theatre performance, an exhibition and a literary evening.

Vice-president of the Hajdúság Gastronomy Club Lajos Tóth mentioned that on the 11th of April Debrecen’s stuffed cabbage will play a prominent role in restaurants in Debrecen, so that as many people as possible can meet this dish. The master chef also drew attention to a new Hungarian gastronomic record attempt. On the 11th of April, from two o’clock in the afternoon, in honour of the 175th anniversary of the Revolution and Freedom Fight  of 1848-1849, 1,849 pieces of Debrecen bundles  will be presented to those walking on Kossuth Square.


April 8-15.


April 10

11.00 a.m. New Town Hall Gallery – “DEBRECEN, THE UNMAKEABLE ROCK” – Opening of the exhibition of MNL Hajdú-Bihar County Archives

Greetings by: Dr. Mazsu János, Chairman of the Debrecen Value Repertory Committee 

The exhibition will be opened by Dr. István Puskás, Deputy Mayor of the city of Debrecen

The exhibition is presented by Dr. Erzsébet Orvos Szendiné, Director of the MNL Hajdú-Bihar County Archives

1.00 p.m. Csokonai Theatre – FREEDOM, LOVE – Petőfi 200 musical literary performances

The performance is free, but registration is required: regisztracio@kerteszintezet.hu

3.30 p.m  Déri Museum 


1849 – Opening of the temporary exhibition entitled HUSSARS, SOLDIERS OF FREEDOM

The event will be attended by:

Dr. László Papp, Mayor of the City of Debrecen

Dr. János Angi, Director of Déri Museum

Dr. Róbert Hermann, scientific assistant to the commander of the Military History Institute and Museum of the Ministry of Defence

Norbert Máday private collector

5.00 p.m. Karakter 1517 Bookstore and Cafe – “THE TRUE ISSUE DOESN’T REMAIN FOREVER…” – Presentation by Zsuzsánna Albertné Görgey

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/941129717555973


8.30 a.m.  Kossuth square – DEBRECEN24 – SLEEP ANOTHER TIME! – opening of a high school competition organised by DEMKI

Greetings by László Papp, Mayor of the City of Debrecen

9.00 a.m. Old Town Hall – CEREMONIAL RAISE OF THE FLAG

Contributor: Debrecen Garrison Band

9.30 a.m.  Déri Square and Déri Museum – Museum pedagogic sessions for kindergarten and primary school children

11.00 a.m. Kölcsey Center – CELEBRATORY GENERAL ASSEMBLY

11.00 a.m. Vojtina Puppet Theatre – TOUCH TO MADNESS exhibition


In honour of Debrecen City Day and the 175th anniversary of the Revolution and Freedom Fight of 1848-1849, 1,849 pieces of Debrecen bundles are waiting for those coming to the event.

Those who will implement the record attempt:

Hajdúság Gastronomy Club

Vocational Training Center in Debrecen

Diószegi Sámuel Baptist Technical School and Vocational Training School

Municipality of Debrecen County City

5.00 p.m.  Vojtina Puppet Theatre (Kossuth Street 1) – Guided tour at  CENTRE OF THE WORLD exhibition.

The exhibition is presented by the artistic director of Terka Láposi Playhouse.

5.00 p.m Debrecen Reformed Great Church – FROM THE ATTIC TO THE CELLAR – unusual guided tour with Jászai Mari award-winning actor Gergely Máté Kiss

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1101649324407125

7.00 p.m. Kölcsey Center – TO MY FRIEND – CONCERT THEATER

Based on correspondence between János Arany and Sándor Petőfi.

Contributors: György Ferenczi, the 1st Pesti Rackák, Tükrös Zenekar, Vilmos Krasznai, Ágoston Liber.

Ticket prices: HUF 5,900 – HUF 6,900

April 12

Kölcsey Center


The Wunderbar Festival, which will be held for the third time this year, is the week of the German language in Hungary, the aim of which is to encourage even more people in Hungary to learn the German language. The Swiss, German and Austrian ambassadors will also take part in the event linked to the exhibition.


Ticket prices: HUF 4,500 – HUF 4,900

April 13

6.00 p.m.  MODEM

The first official collection exhibition entitled HOW MUCH ARE YOU? of the 18-year-old institution opens, which uses the perspective system of generational research as an organising principle instead of classical art historical approaches.

The program of the opening:

Greetings: Dr. István Puskás, Deputy Mayor responsible for culture of the city of Debrecen

Participants of the round table discussion:

Péter Radovics – Creative Director, Lounge Group

Szabolcs Süli-Zakar – Srt director, MODEM, curator of the exhibition

Annamária Tari – psychotherapist, psychoanalyst

Ferenc Váradi – radio host, music historian

Moderator: Nora Winkler

7.30 p.m.  Kossuth square – LIGHT PAINTING ON THE GREAT CHURCH on the 175th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence

The Hungarian Declaration of Independence, the document initiated by Lajos Kossuth, pronounced by the Debrecen Parliament on the 14th of April, 1849, and then put into written form on the 19th of April, accepted and published to the general public, declared the dethronement of the House of the Habsburgs, and the independence of Hungary, its sovereign statehood regained in the patriotic freedom struggle.

Greetings by:

Zoltán Pajna, Chairman of the Municipality of Hajdú-Bihar County Zoltán Pajna

László Papp, Mayor of the City of Debrecen

György Kossa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gróf Tisza István Foundation for the University of Debrecen

István Oláh, President-Pastor of Debrecen-Great Church Reformed Parish

The Credo Ensemble and the Debrecen Folk Ensemble will participate in the celebration before the light painting.

8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. – LIGHT PAINTING ON THE GREAT CHURCH

The light painting revives the events related to the 1949 revelation and some details of the declaration of independence.

April 14

10.00 a.m.Great Reformed Church of Debrecen – CELEBRATORY  WORSHIP

Preaching the word: Dr. Károly Fekete, Bishop of the Tiszántúli Reformed Church District

Contributor: István Papp, Actor of the Csokonai National Theater in Debrecen

11.00 a.m. Kossuth square – WREATH LAYING

7.00 p.m. Csokonai National Theater Debrecen – SOUL DANCE FOR FREEDOM – Dance theatre premiere of the Debrecen Hajdú Dance Ensemble

“There is a pure spring engraved in our spirit,

a very, very deep well into which you can look

The Holy Tradition of our ancestors turns against us!

This is our Speech, Dance and Knowledge at the same time!”

We send the inner voice of the soul as a message with the forgotten tools of unconditional love and our traditions. That’s why we wove our most sacred things into dance and music.

“We respect this spring whose water nourishes us!

Here we are in front of it! Let’s notice it now!

So that our people can understand! For which there is a Blessing!”

Performers: Bürkös Orchestra, Béla Szerényi Jr. (wind lute) and the brass players

Music editor, composer: Tamás Dezsőházi and Béla Szerényi Jr.

Costume: György Martin Creative Award winner Rita Furik 

Choreographers, dance masters: Rita Furik, Tamás Farkas, Ágnes Farkas, Erika Ligetiné Csendom, Eszter Lovas, Zoltán Takács, Zsuzsa Tiszai

Dance team leader: Zoltán Takács

Art director: Zsuzsa Tiszai

Director: Rita Furik

April 15. German Cultural Forum (Batthyány Street  24.)

5.30 p.m. SCREENING OF THE FILM THE EUPHORY OF EXISTENCE as part of the Éva Fahidi Dialogue program

After the screening, a discussion will be held with the film’s directors Andrássi Andoral and Réka Szabó, as well as translator Zsuzsanna Iványi.

April 16

Pásti Street Orthodox Synagogue


Greetings by:

László Papp, Mayor of the City of Debrecen

Tamás Horovitz, President of the Debrecen Jewish Community

Christian Somogyi, Mayor of Stadtallendorf

György Szabó, President of MAZSÖK

Dr. Andor Grósz, President of MAZSIHISZ

Smuel Faigen, Chief Rabbi of Debrecen
