
Another four Sustainable Debrecen Awards were presented by Mayor of Debrecen László Papp and Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Ákos Balázs on the 26th of April 2024. 

Since 2019, the Sustainable Debrecen Award has been awarded by the city to those business organisations, institutions and working groups whose activities serve as an example to follow on the road to creating a sustainable city.

In his welcome speech, Mayor László Papp said that sustainability is now an inescapable concept when thinking about the future, and a category that should be used both in theory and in practice. It was a very important and good decision for the future of Debrecen when the municipality decided in 2019 to take green thinking and the implementation of sustainability as effectively as possible to the highest possible level in its urban policy. 

“We did this not only in theory, because then it would not be credible enough, but we also tried to put it into practice.  The city has experienced very significant economic development and growth in recent years and is likely to continue to do so in the years to come. It can be said that Debrecen is becoming a very important pillar and base for the European economy. This is not only a great opportunity but also a huge responsibility for the city. After all, in order for a city to really develop, in order to think positively about the future of the city, we must be able to meet the requirements of sustainability and environmental standards in every respect. This is not just a political category, not just a city manager’s intention. It is a shared responsibility of all of us,” the mayor pointed out.  

The Sustainable Debrecen Award is a relatively new recognition for the city and those who win it, those who receive it as recognition, should be really proud of it. 

Thanks to the work of Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs and his staff, the Sustainable Debrecen Award has evolved from its original concept into a truly prestigious award that showcases the corporate philosophy and thinking that is helping to build the city’s green future. 

Ákos Balázs, Deputy Mayor, said that several companies and working groups have already applied for and won the Sustainable Debrecen Award, and they are expected to expand in the future, with more and more joining. The city has also set a target for its bid to become European Green Capital in 2025, which it hopes to achieve by 2027. The municipality would like to involve the existing winners of the Sustainable Debrecen Award in joint thinking and joint work to prepare the European Green Capital Award in such a way that the ideas and messages of companies and businesses are also included.

He is confident that by working together Debrecen can achieve success in this area too, and that the city will be able to lead the way in the field of sustainability and environmental protection. 

Since 2019, the Sustainable Debrecen Award has been awarded by the City of Debrecen to those business organisations, institutions and working groups whose activities are exemplary in the creation of a sustainable city. For environmental protection and sustainability to succeed, all segments of society must work together towards common goals. The award identifies the recognised organisations that are leading the way towards a liveable city. Applications for the Sustainable Debrecen Award are open to legal entities and other communities operating in the city of Debrecen, in particular, but not exclusively, public bodies, companies and individual entrepreneurs. Of the 16 winners so far, 2 main winners have already been selected.

The exemplary community of the owners of the Sustainable Debrecen Award has now grown by four more members, DVSC Kézilabda Kft., Panificio il Basilico bakery (Panificio Trattoria Kft.), EPAM Systems Kft. and Trans-Sped Kft. have earned the Sustainable Debrecen Award in recognition of their environmentally conscious approach. 

In addition to the award, the Debrecen General Assembly recently adopted the Green Codex, the city’s ambitious environmental programme, which includes 50 measures and many more that are not included in it, but are part of our everyday life and will shape our future.

Source: debrecen.hu