
The institution has undergone energy modernisation at a cost of HUF 245 million. As for the external insulation, the traditional white walls, which are decorated with red brick inlays, were left. During the renovation, teaching went smoothly.

The youngest children recited at a ceremony at Fazekas Mihály Primary School, where the new building has just been inaugurated. The school, built in 1975, has undergone energy modernisation. Mayor László Papp emphasised Debrecen’s long-term goal is to become a knowledge-based, integrative centre of the region with a strong economy. “The city’s education strategy is based on the principle that the most successful municipalities are those with a strong and effective school system. With more than 70,000 students studying in our city, it is no coincidence that one of the most important elements of Debrecen 2030 is the development of the education system,” the Mayor said.

“Now we are together here in the school yard. And this is how education works together, the children, the school principals, they represent all the students of the great Debrecen School District Center,” Director of Debrecen School District Center  László Türk highlighted  in his speech. The windows and doors were replaced, the flat roof and the basement floor were insulated, and solar panels were installed on the roof.

MP László Pósán emphasised that the savings from the renovation can be used for the education system. “Energy efficiency, environmental protection and, if you like, green transition and green technology. Here in Debrecen, we are taking giant steps in the direction, in the good sense of the word, of applying solutions that are as environmentally friendly and energy efficient as possible,” László Pósán said.

The investment cost HUF 245 million, financed by EU and government funds.

President of the Klebelsberg Centre Gabriella Hajnal said that almost a thousand institutions had been renovated across the country in recent years. “To say that an education is working well, it obviously needs at least three pillars. The first is infrastructure, the second is equipment, and perhaps more importantly than anything else, professionalism, the personality of the teachers, the work of the teachers,” she said.

Mihály Fazekas Primary School will soon close its 77th academic year, but its legal predecessor can be traced back to 1871. Almost 400 children attend the institution.
