
Commitment to nature conservation is important. In this spirit, on the occasion of the Day of Birds and Trees, attention was drawn to the protection of wildlife on the 10th of May, 2024, with bird songs on the tram, birdhouses placed on Liget Square, and an exhibition and pigeon-flying in Józsa.

Among other things, passengers in Debrecen could also hear the sound of bee-eaters. The birds could also be seen on video on the displays of the “chirping trams”. 

Birdhouses were placed on Liget Square with the help of kindergarteners. With this, even the youngest could learn how to help the birds living in the urban environment. According to the animal protection officer of Debrecen, it is important not only to pay attention to this onDay of Birds and Trees.

“I believe that if we sensitise kindergarten children to this topic and they tell  about their experiences at home, they might be able to influence their parents,” Debrecen Municipality’s Animal Protection Officer Edina Szilágyi said. 

In addition to pigeon shooting and playful tasks of Józsa, the exhibition titled “Circular Economy” of Természettár (local environmental amateur community) drew the attention of young people to the importance of nature protection. 

“We brought the water of River Tisza to the Tócó stream last year, and the natural environment was able to renew itself. We will create a learning path here in the next period. This will also serve the purpose of being able to get to know the plants and animals that live in nature, Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs pointed out and added that ten thousand more trees would be planted in Debrecen in order to protect birds and trees.
