
The details were presented at a press conference by Deputy Mayor Diána Széles, Director of the Debrecen Institute for Primary Care and Health Development (Daefi) Csaba Papp, Municipal Representative Zoltán Piros, and Head of the Institution Mrs Csilla Gonda Fórián, at the recently opened new gymnasium of Epreskert Primary School on the 30th of May 2024.

“For Move Debrecen!, this was the 17th among the movement’s indoor program locations, deputy mayor Diána Széles pointed out. She thanked the head of the school for supporting the movement, and also taking the matter to heart of as many people playing sports as possible, as many children playing sports as possible. The Epreskert Primary School, with both its supportive environment and now fantastic infrastructure, is the perfect place to host the “Move Debrecen!” programmes in the Southern part of the city. In addition, municipal representative Zoltán Piros also conveyed the demand of the people living in this part of the city to have a place within walking distance where they could practise the core program of the movement’s indoor forms of exercise, spinal gymnastics and yoga.

In the past two and a half years of the movement, this opportunity has now been given in almost every part of the city, and in general it is available for free practically every weekday, regularly, to everyone at a level appropriate to their own physical condition, fitness, and fitness, the deputy mayor pointed out, adding that more than 70,000 people have participated in  the programmes. The “Move Debrecen!” health initiative can now be considered a joint program of the city, the University of Debrecen, the Debrecen Primary Care and Health Development Institute, and the Debrecen School District, since the school district supports this initiative in everything beyond the school program, which serves the better quality of life of the people of Debrecen, Diána Széles said.

Municipal Representative Zoltán Piros said that he had been watching with pride and at the same time a little envy on social media and in various news reports what a great series of programmes was unfolding in Debrecen, what great programmes were taking place in different parts of the city. He was proud of it as a municipal representative but also a little envious, because there was no suitable venue for this great programme in his district, in the Southern part of the city, in constituency 10. He said he had been approached a lot recently asking when there  would be the opportunity to do exercise here. This situation has changed with the completion of the Epreskert gymnasium, which is not just a school classroom, but a real community space, a meeting place where residents of the neighbourhoods, Tégláskert, Epreskert, Boldogfalvi kert, children, parents, teachers and now also citizens of Debrecen who want to exercise and recreate can meet and build communities in the spirit of sport and healthy lifestyle. So everyone is welcome to join the Move, Debrecen!  

According to Head of the Epreskert  Primary School Csilla Gonda Fórián, the  “Move Debrecen!” health initiative is not far from their school. The movement’s school programme for children was launched last autumn with fantastic success, and the children have not grown tired of it, more and more students are asking to take part in the programmes, to move and enjoy sport. She has no secret hope that the parents and grandparents of her students will take part in the indoor programmes, thus setting an example for future generations, and that children will be more and more enthusiastic to participate in physical education classes. The director also hopes that the gym will be able to accommodate children who are involved in sports and training. 

Details of the programmes of the Move, Debrecen! movement can be found at https://mozduljdebrecen.hu/ and https://gondoskodovaros.hu/.
