
In addition to the 15 new shows, there will be 14 remaining performances, guest performances and a new festival.

The theatre’s management, closing its first season, stressed that great attention will be paid to audience feedback.

One of this season’s successes, the performance entitled “The Devils” (Ördögök) will remain in the next season at Csokonai National Theatre in Debrecen. In addition, theatre lovers will be able to see performances enttield “Show-off citizen” (Úrhatnám polgár), “The Boys from Pál Street”(A Pál utcai fiúk) and “The Penniless” (Nincstelenek).

Deputy Mayor of Debrecen István Puskás said at the press conference announcing next year’s performances that the aim of the theatre was to make people think. He characterised this season as being surrounded by lively interest and reaction. “What a good thing it is that Debrecen is talking about theatre again. The theatre became a topic of social conversation again, and in an absolutely positive sense. The renovated theatre spaces themselves, but more so now the performances that take place in these spaces,” he highlighted.

Director Szabolcs Mátyássy pointed out that this year the curtain had been raised around 500 times, with performances reaching 90,000 spectators. The new management of the theatre highlighted that they would place great emphasis on audience feedback when designing future seasons. “We definitely want to produce work of the quality that people are talking about, whatever genre it is. Which is a statement that gives a theatre some character. Obviously, we have drawn the conclusion from the first season, we have constantly monitored the audience’s needs,” Szabolcs Mátyássy emphasised.

Next season, 15 shows will be staged, with more light-hearted productions to suit the needs of the audience. There will also be musicals, operas, operettas, farces and several shows for young people.

For example, perfomances entitled “Curtain up!” (Függöny fel!), “Lala the Fair” (Tündér Lala), “Victoria” (Viktória) and “Waiting for Godot” (Godot-ra várva) are all on the programme. The theatre in Debrecen is also preparing something new in the festival field, in addition to MagdaFest, the international K-Europe Biennale will be launched. We are planning to invite 6+1 performances, so that K-Europe covers Central-Eastern Europe, especially Central Europe,” Artistic Director of the Csokonai National Theatre Debrecen István K. Szabó said.

In the 2024/25 season, the programme will include 15 premieres, 14 remaining performances, four guest performances, including “The King’s Speech” (A király beszéde) from Székesfehérvár, and two festivals. The season opens in September with the musical “Oliver!”
