
From July until the end of September A.K.S.D. Ltd. changes the frequency of collecting garden green waste from once a week to once a month due to the fact that the life cycle of woody vegetation generates much less garden green waste.

Garden green waste collection weeks:

1-5 July (27th calendar week)

8-12 July  (28th calendar week)

12-16 August  (33rd calendar week)

9-13 September (37th calendar week)

Collection of garden green waste bags:

  • to be placed on the collection day for door-to-door selective waste collection during the first week of the month
  • in peripheral streets where there is no separate collection day, to be placed on the collection day for municipal waste in the first week of the month
  • the bag shall be placed in a non-spillable manner and shall be used exclusively for the collection of garden plant parts (e.g. twigs less than 1 cm in diameter, mown grass, leaves).
  • if the bag contains municipal waste or other non green waste, the service provider may refuse to collect the waste separately.

Garden green waste bag collection points:

Reception service at Central site : 4031 Debrecen, 136 István Road from Monday to Friday: 06:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Customer Service Office: 4024 Debrecen, 7 Vígkedvű Mihály Street – Inquiries from condominium joint representatives can only be received here.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 08:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday: 07:00 a.m.  – 7:00 p.m. 

Friday: 08:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

Residential Waste Collection Yard: 4031 Debrecen, 136 István Road – Only  Debrecen residents with appointment can collect green bags if they use the services of the Waste Collection Yard.

Further options for the  disposal of green waste:

If there are not enough bags, green waste collection points offer the possibility to dispose of vegetable waste from gardens or gardening activities free of charge.

The locations of the six green waste collection points in the A.K.S.D. Ltd. service area have been defined to ensure that all residents can dispose of their garden green waste within a 20 km radius.

Green waste collection points:

  • Debrecen (A.K.S.D. Ltd. Regional Waste Treatment Plant)
  • Derecske
  • Ebes
  • Létavértes
  • Nagyhegyes
  • Nyíracsád 

Detailed information on the exact locations of green waste collection points, opening hours and conditions of use can be found on the operator’s website.
