
From the second half of July to mid-August is the roe deer mating season. During this period, the roe deer are more alert and active during the day, so you may see them much more often on roads near farmland.

To avoid wildlife accidents, the police of Hajdú-Bihar advise the following:

– Slow down! The maximum speed limit does not mean that you have to go that fast. If you drive at 80 km/h instead of 90 km/h outside a populated area, you will have much more time to react in case of a sudden wild animal.

– Don’t make phone calls! If you are paying attention to others on the phone, you will be able to react more slowly. There may be a wild animal on the road around the next bend or behind a bump.

– Keep a greater following distance and keep watching both sides of the road! Wild animals behave unpredictably. They may not move, but they may also jump and run in either direction.

– Honk if there is a wild animal in the road! They may not be able to see the vehicle by looking at the headlights, but an audible warning can help them know where the danger is coming from.

– If you see dead or dying wildlife on the road, call 112! Don’t try to pull it off the road, it may still be alive and a frightened animal could cause serious injury with its hooves, antlers or bite.
