
DH-Szerviz Kft., the contractor of Debrecen Heat Supply PLC (Hungarian: Debreceni Hőszolgáltató Zrt.) is carrying out the replacement of the defective shut-off fittings. 

During the works, the affected section of the track will be obstructed by spot demolition work, which will partially restrict the use of the parking spaces next to the Dormitory building.  

Timing of the works: 

o The construction is expected to last from the 19th of September 2024 to the 30th of September 2024.

The construction will entail a short interruption of hot water service for a total of 2 times, on weekdays after prior notice fom 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. during the day, as foreseen in the following buildings:

o  Vocational School at 5-7 Varga Street, Residential building at 1 Varga Street, High School at 17 Szent A. Street, Dormitory at 1 Tímár Street, Residential building at 3 Tímár Street, Office building at 31 Szent A. Street, Residential building at 32 Szent A.Street, Residential building and shops at  34-38 Szent A. Street, Residential buildings at 1-15 Kandia Street, Residential buildings at 2-16 Klaipeda Street, Residential building and shops at  43-47 Kossuth Street.

Users affected by service interruptions will be informed in advance 5 days before the date of the service interruptions.

Work may be noisy during the day. The contractor asks for the patience and understanding of residents and road users in the area.

Announcement made by: Balázs Arday, CEO

Source: official announcement of Debrecen Heat Supply PLC