
The modernization of Debrecen’s public lighting system is continuing, Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs announced on his social media page.

As part of the Green Codex, we are continuing to modernise the city’s public lighting system, Ákos Balázs announced on his Facebook page.

The construction works started on the 23rd of September in two locations: in Debrecen-Józsa, on Gönczy Pál Street, and on Simonyi road.

The following Streets are affected by the works in this phase: 

Gönczy Pál Street, Simonyi Road, Hadházi Street, Huszár Gál Street, Ótemető Street, Simonyi Road, Péterfia Street, Széchenyi Street, Víztorony Street, Kishegyesi Road, Csigekert Street, Köntösgát sor, Szent Anna Street, Bocskai Road, Tokaji Street, Felsőjózsai Street, Sillye Gábor Street.

Depending on the weather, the construction of Phase VI will take about two months, and a total of 733 luminaires will be replaced on the street lighting poles. This will reduce the installed power of the luminaries by about 40 kW, resulting in annual power savings of 160,000 kWh and a reduction of about four tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

By the end of Phase VI, the Municipality will have replaced 4,609 LED luminaires, saving 1.52 million kWH hours of power and 38 tonnes of carbon dioxide. This energy saving is equivalent to the annual consumption of more than 600 average family houses.
