
The Margit Square swimming pool, which underwent a significant reconstruction over the summer, is now open again.

Mayor László Papp, Member of Parliament László Pósán, Head of the Debrecen School District Centre László Türk, and municipal representative of the district János Sánta presented the details at a press conference held on the 2nd of October, 2024.

Mayor László Papp said that the renovation of the Margit Square swimming pool is an extremely important development in the district’s life. The swimming pool was built in 2001 and has been in operation for more than 20 years, except for minor renovations. It had to be closed in 2021 due to an epidemiological threat, but the difficulty in reopening it was that it was time to renovate it.

The mayor stressed that the renovation was scheduled for the start of school in September. The investment could significantly improve the sporting and swimming opportunities for students and residents of the surrounding area.

The mayor added that Debrecen is very keen to provide water sports, swimming and water polo facilities. There is a swimming pool at the Kazinczy Primary School, Bocskai Primary School, the Vénkerti Primary School and the Tóth Árpád Gymnasium, which were renovated this year with a budget of HUF 25 million.

The mayor said that the Margit Square swimming pool was renovated at a cost of HUF 47 million, during which both the mechanical and architectural aspects were renewed, as the covering was replaced, the mechanical equipment was renovated, the suspended ceiling was renovated, and the filter and pump equipment was replaced.

He pointed out that, in addition to the swimming pool, the needs of the public were also taken into account, as they received numerous requests for its reopening so that the city’s residents would also have the opportunity to swim in it. Debreceni Vízmű Zrt. carried out the investment, but the local sports centre (Debreceni Sportcentrum) will take over the swimming pool operation from the 1st of January 2025.

MP László Pósán said that Debrecen is a city of waters, despite the fact that there are no rivers or lakes. However, anyone who visits the city will see fountains, splashing fountains and similar facilities in many places, and the proportion of these is very high compared to other cities, as is the proportion of swimming pools and water sports facilities. Indeed, apart from the capital, no other city has so many swimming facilities available to its population. These ratios are therefore a good indication of the high demand for water from the population, for which the infrastructure is available.

He mentioned that this facility is another important step in terms of prevention and health promotion, as swimming is also an important form of exercise alongside the “Move Debrecen!” programmes. It is particularly pleasing that this investment is also a great opportunity for students. Furthermore, one of the greenest residential areas in the country now has not only outdoor but also indoor water recreation space for the public.

László Türk, Head of the Debrecen School District Centre, said that Debrecen is a school town, and when the maintenance authority and the town cooperate, results like today’s can be reported. He added that the students of the institutions maintained by the Debrecen School District Centre are the winners of such developments. He pointed out that currently, 1,700 fifth-grade students study in the Debrecen School District Centre and can benefit from swimming lessons twice a week. Still, students from other grades can also take advantage of them, as they are very concerned about their pupils’ mental and physical health.

János Sánta, the district’s councillor, stressed that he had spoken to residents on several occasions during the spring, who had indicated that there was a great need to reopen the swimming pool and that he was, therefore, grateful that the renovation could be completed so quickly and that students could use it during the autumn term. From next week, the public can use the pool continuously during the day on 1 or 2 lanes. He added that the aim was also to achieve value for money in terms of prices.   
