
The design of the technology to protect the water base is in the final stages in Debrecen, but it is planned to be extended to the airport and industrial parks.

As is known, a so-called greywater technology would be developed in the Debrecen South and Northwest Economic Zone. This technology’s essence is that the industrial park factories could meet part of their water needs from treated wastewater and greywater.

Mayor László Papp also recently discussed preparing the country’s unique system. He said that the greywater network planning will be completed in November, and the government is being asked to provide funding for this as well. “We have made a promise to the citizens of Debrecen that these large industrial plants will use a significant proportion of treated wastewater to provide a local water supply, and we intend to deliver on that promise,” he stressed.

The issue of greywater will be discussed on Thursday in the new Debrecen assembly. Head of the Urban Development Department, Gergely Pacza, proposed that the right to use the design documentation to construct a safe external fire water supply system for Debrecen International Airport and the Southern Economic Zone be transferred free of charge to Debrecen Infrastructure Development (DIF) Ltd.

The Head of Department describes that the design documentation was prepared by SAIGO LOGISTIC Ltd., a member of the XANGA group, for the safe external fire water supply of the airport and the buildings of the Southern Economic Zone located on the adjacent land. Since the airport fire water storage is owned by the Municipality, the company also provided the plans. 

At the same time, on the 27th of October 2023, the Municipality and the Ministry of Construction and Transport signed a grant agreement to enable the city to carry out greywater development in the South Economic and Northwest Economic Zone. The municipality-owned Debrecen Infrastructure Development Ltd will carry out this preparatory and design work.

“As an innovative and sustainable solution, the Municipality has requested that the airport’s fire water be replenished with treated wastewater. The use of purified wastewater as firewater reduces the use of stratified water, and the application of the new technology would contribute to the economical water management of the airport and serve the additional firewater needs for the development of the airport, taking into account the expected expansion of Debrecen International Airport”, Gergely Pacza wrote in his submission.

Therefore, DIF Ltd. needs these plans to include the airport extinguishing system in the greywater technology preparations.

Gergely Pacza also reminds that in a decision, the government agreed with the preparation and implementation of technological water supply development and has asked the Minister of Construction and Transport to establish a grant agreement with the municipality for a total amount of HUF 71 billion 779 million for the entire duration of the development. “Another government decision will be needed when they are ready in November,” Mayor László Papp mentioned at his press conference the other day.

Source: dehir.hu