
Lászlóné Radomszki, Deputy State Secretary for Disability Affairs at the Ministry of Interior, visited the Immánuel Home, Primary School, Developmental Education and Training School and Skills Development School of the Debrecen-Reformed Great Church Parish on the 29th of November 2024.

In the framework of the professional programme, the Deputy State Secretary got acquainted with the institution’s work and then held a round-table discussion with several social professionals working in the field of disability or involved in it, as well as with the leaders and representatives of institutions and organisations in Hajdú-Bihar County and Debrecen. Diána Széles, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, also attended the event.

At the roundtable discussion, the Deputy State Secretary spoke, among other things, about establishing the independent State Secretariat for Disability Affairs of the Ministry of Interior on the 1st of September this year, its central departments and their tasks. As she emphasised, the establishment of the State Secretariat reflects the government’s commitment to placing greater emphasis than ever on caring for people with disabilities and using all means to help the lives of people with disabilities, their family members and relatives. This includes, among other things, the development of a new disability strategy that follows the current one, which is in effect until 2025, closer cooperation with the interest representation organisations of people with disabilities, such as the members of the National Disability Affairs Council,  supporting their work through budgetary means and tender opportunities, strengthening the equal opportunities, enforcement of rights, and access to employment opportunities of people with disabilities and those with altered working abilities through rehabilitation-oriented employment wage subsidies, rehabilitation services, tax benefits, and legislative amendments. Particular emphasis is placed on helping children and young people with special educational needs get educated and get into work.

The Disability Coordination Committee, which has a proposing, opinion-making, and advisory role, will also support the strengthening of the State Secretariat for Disability Affairs’ cross-sectoral, horizontal role in the future.

Lászlóné Radomszki considers the complex professional work she has seen at the Immánuel Home and School to be exemplary, which could serve as a model for other institutions with similar missions throughout the country.

Source: debrecen.hu