
There will be five parking zones, which will be colour-coded by DV Parking Ltd. to make them easier to distinguish. 

Details of the exact boundaries of the parking zones can be found on the map in the information block on the Parking info 2025 information block of the website www.dvparking.hu.


The city centre has been given the colour red, which includes the area bounded by Csapó-Vár-Kálvin tér-Hunyadi-Bethlen-Hatvan Streets, the car park behind Hotel Aranybika, Piac Street from the intersection with Holló János Street, Liszt Ferenc and Blaháné Streets. In this zone, motorists can buy a six-month and an annual pass, which entitles them to wait in all surface zones. The annual Centrum pass can also be purchased with an annual Garage Plus pass, which allows parking in all underground garages.

In the Centrum zone, a parking limit will be introduced, with a maximum of 3 hours of waiting time allowed per parking ticket.


Zone I is orange, which includes the area bounded by Petőfi tér-Sumen-Klaipeda-Burgundia-Rákóczi-Honvéd utca-Kiskörút-Erzsébet  Streets, with the exception of the Centrum zone. A daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual pass can be purchased for the orange zone, which can be used in all surface zones except the Centrum zone.

In addition to the orange zone annual pass, the annual pass called “Garázs Plusz” can also be purchased, allowing parking in all underground garages.


Zone II will be the green, which includes the areas bordered by Raktár – Salétrom – Boncz László – Erzsébet – Külső vásártér – Nyugati – Pesti – Böszörményi – Doberdó – Dóczy József Streets and the areas bordered by Egyetem Square – Nagyerdei Boulevard – Simonyi Road – Bem Square – Hadházi – Nyíl – Rakovszky Street – Benedek Elek Square – Hajnal and Wesselényi Street, with the exception of the Centrum and Orange zones. In this zone, daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual passes can be purchased, which entitle you to use the green, blue and yellow zones. 

In addition to the pass purchased for the Green zone, monthly passes can be purchased for the Kölcsey, Nagyerdei or Sas street underground garages, but not annual passes.


Zone III will be the Blue Zone, which will include the area around Nagyerdei Park. The blue zone includes Nagyerdei Boulevard, from The University of Debrecen to the roundabout, Pallagi Road from the roundabout to Vigadó Square, and Ady Endre Road from the Fog Theatre (Ködszínház) to the intersection with Nagyerdei Boulevard.

Zone IV will be the Yellow Zone, which includes the Klinika parking lot located along Pallagi Road between the Aquaticum roundabout and Móricz Zsigmond Street.

DV Parking Ltd. would like to draw your attention to the fact that the numbering of the ZONES does not match the numbering of the current parking zones!


From July 1, 2025, parking will be free of charge for Debrecen residents in the new zones, on the street indicated on the address card and in its immediate vicinity.

For those living in the newly included areas, mandatory registration will begin on June 1, 2025 on the website www.dvparking.hu.

Conditions for the exemption:

1. It can be used for a maximum of 1 passenger car per address.

2. Both the owner and the operator are entitled to it.

3. The address on the valid vehicle registration certificate must match the address on the applicant’s official ID.

Source and photo credit:dehir.hu