The roundabout at Dobogó Street – Mandolás Street is planned to be connected to Gas Pipeline Street. The development will cost around HUF 2 billion and is part of the Roundabout Development Programme. Work is due to start in March and should be completed by the first half of next year at the latest. Experience has shown that the most frequent requests for transport improvements come from people living in neighbourhoods.
“This new road will take traffic away from the residential area of the Brickyard, effectively replacing the Canal and the inner streets. Those who would like to go to Gázvezeték Street or even to the airport will be able to use this road,” Fidesz-KDNP municipal representative Zoltán Piros said.
“This year, HUF 13.1 billion would be spent on the Garden District Development Programme, which is 63 percent more than last year,” leader of the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary group in Debrecen, Viktor Papp said. Of this amount, some HUF 12.5 billion will be earmarked for transport development.
As part of this,TOP Plus funding will be used to implement the first section of the eastern internal transport corridor, with a budget of around HUF 6.2 billion.
“It will significantly reduce traffic problems for people living in the eastern part of the city, especially when the whole section is completed. According to our plans, this road will be built from Main Road 4 to Main Road 47, and it is very important to mention that it will not be a bypass, but an internal traffic corridor broken into sections.,” Viktor Papp explained.
Also using TOP Plus funding, a large-scale cycle path development is planned between Lake Vekeri and the Main Road 47.
In 2024, roads were built or renewed at 54 locations, this work would continue this year: HUF 460 million is earmarked for road construction at the initiative of the population, while HUF 470 million is earmarked for large-scale road repair works. For pedestrian safety, HUF 100 million would be spent on pavement repair and reconstruction this year, and the modernisation of the street lighting network, which has been launched to save energy, is planned to continue. HUF 360 million will be spent to replace around 1,100 outdated luminaires.
The city of Debrecen’s budget will be decided by the assembly at its meeting on Thursday.
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