On the occasion of Women’s Day, the female members of the Debrecen Pensioners’ Association were greeted. The male members of the organization performed a festive singing and poetry program. At the event, Mayor László Papp said, “Women of the 21st century must stand up to many roles, their perseverance, dedication and flexibility are enviable.”
The large hall of the Family and Child Welfare Center was completely filled with elderly women. They were greeted with songs by the male members of the Debrecen Pensioners’ Association. It is customary for the civil organisation to greet women every year on the occasion of Women’s Day.
The association currently has almost 400 members, 80 percent of whom are women, who perform important association work. “Here, women fill positions ranging from patient visitors and financial work to the vice-president position. We are satisfied with their work, because everyone does this social work according to their heart’s desire,” President of the Debrecen Pensioners’ Association János Hartmann emphasised.
“Women’s Day calls attention to the respect, appreciation of women and the recognition of their role in the family, at work and in the family” Mayor László Papp emphasised. “We not only celebrate them at this time, but we men also have the opportunity to thank them for their selflessness, their love, their all-encompassing attention and the angelic patience with which they are able to spread peace, harmony and beauty even in this fast-paced, challenging world,” he explained.
The Mayor presented each female member of the association with a tulip, which was followed by a performance by the men.
Source and photo credit:debrecen.hu