
This is the biggest investment in Hajdú-Bihar this year regarding road network improvements.

The first 7.7 km section of the 4808 road connecting Debrecen, Hosszúpályi and Biharkeresztes has been renovated as part of the Operational Programme for the “Development of Territories and Settlements”. The contractor selected for the project in the public procurement procedure has implemented the project with a gross investment of around HUF 950 million from EU funds.

As part of the renovation, specialists profiled the existing pavement, replaced the entire road structure where necessary, and then laid a levelling layer, followed by an asphalt-wearing course and a new embankment over the entire surface. The road signs were replaced, and new permanent pavement signs were painted.

At the closing press event of the project on 16th of November, the guests were welcomed by István Vitányi, Member of Parliament, followed by speeches by Zoltán Pajna, President of the Hajdú-Bihar County Assembly, András Zara, Mayor of Hosszúpályi, József Szabó, Mayor of Monostorpályi, Zoltán Szoták, the Hajdú-Bihar county director of Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. and Péter Beke, director of road construction of Zemplénkő Kelet-Magyarországi Építőipari Fővállállunternozó és Bányászati Kft.

Following the completion of the investments, traffic safety has increased, and the service quality of the road has been greatly improved. Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. is confident that the renewed national road will serve the satisfaction of all road users and fulfil its intended role in the region, ensuring faster, safer and more comfortable access to regional centres, kindergartens, schools, workplaces and institutions.

The reconstruction of the road linking Debrecen and Biharkeresztes is planned to continue next year in the Kismarja area.

Source: dehir.hu | Photo credit: Pixabay