
The Csárda Road is one of the most important and busiest collector roads in the Pacikert and Biczókert area. 

Another section of the road has been completed. The project was presented at a press conference on 6th of July 2023 by László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen, László Pósán, Member of Parliament, and Szabolcs Komolay, Member of the Municipality.

László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen, said that the municipality had placed great importance on developing the city’s transport network and that this will be no different in the coming years. 

Road reconstruction works are currently underway in several places, preparations for the construction of new roads are underway, and it is a welcome development that the fourth stage of the Csárda Road development has been completed. Long years ago, the municipality promised to improve the transport system in the Pacikert and Biczókert districts. Major upgrades were carried out in 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2022-2023 on the Csárda road, which is now 620 metres long and 5.5 metres wide.

The mayor wished the residents of Csárda Road and its surroundings an accident-free traffic flow and stressed that the development work will continue.

László Pósán thanked the staff of the mayor’s office for seizing every development opportunity that could be beneficial and important for Debrecen. He mentioned this because the current development of Csárda Road was also largely made possible by a Ministry of Agriculture tender for developing roads in the countryside. The Member of Parliament also considered it important to mention that within the framework of the Debrecen District Development Programme, the Csárda Road area is basically being developed in the outskirts, which is a step towards ensuring that in the future, the declaration of these areas as inland areas can be implemented in all respects in accordance with the prescribed conditions. The increase in the city’s resources is a prerequisite for the construction of several similar roads, including pavements and playgrounds.

It is therefore welcome that Debrecen’s economy is growing and developing at the rate we are currently experiencing because this will expand the city’s budget to make people’s everyday lives easier, better and more beautiful. He hoped that people living on and around the Csárda Road would benefit from the new road and expressed the hope that more and more streets could be connected to the road network in the future. He stressed that, where this is necessary to create the right road width, private owners should give up the necessary part of their land for public use. If this is done, improvements can be made more quickly.

According to Szabolcs Komolay, a municipal councillor, the city of Debrecen has recently undergone significant changes. A development has taken place, which was not the case in previous decades. The development work is planned, and the municipality is trying to launch the investments necessary to improve the comfort of citizens living in any area of the city, according to the needs of its residents.

In the spirit of this idea, the Kertség Development Programme was launched in 2012, with several developments that have made significant progress in infrastructure provision. Szabolcs Komolay stressed that Csárda Road is a suburban part of the city, with the population growing steadily over the past decade. This requires infrastructure development – the road network and the sewage network. As the MEP said, it is hoped that the development of the whole length of Csárda Road will be completed as soon as possible, and the city intends to invest in the area to improve the daily life of its residents.

A speed limit of 30 km/h is in force on the paved section of Csárda Road at the request of residents and will remain so until the entire road is paved.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu