
The Debrecen Vocational Training Centre (DSZC) and BMW Group Factory Debrecen jointly organized the 4th Automotive Open Day for eighth-graders.

At the event’s opening, the Mayor of Debrecen, László Papp, said that Debrecen had seen a great change in the world in the last eight years, with great opportunities opening up for the city and great results being achieved. The mayor stressed the importance of major investments lies in the perspective they offer young people.

“It’s hard to decide at 13 or 14 what to do for the rest of your life, so it’s important to have the experience to understand what the future holds. At the BMW training centre, everything is in place to make good decisions,” the mayor said, adding that young people are the future of Debrecen. He recalled that education has always been important in Debrecen, and the foundation of the Reformed College was the first step on this path. He also pointed out that the DSZC has been the most dynamically developing vocational training centre in recent years and that a separate agreement has been signed with the BMW factory in Debrecen for several training areas.

“The Training Centre is also important for them because it is the first completed and operational building within the Debrecen factory. We will also use the centre as a recruitment building,” Vice President of Human Resources of BMW Group Plant Debrecen Johannes Trauth said. He also pointed out that there are already 100 students studying at the centre who are very proud of their training opportunities.

He also said that in the future, they would like to accept another hundred students every year for dual training at the company’s Training Centre. The students who graduate from here will be offered a contract by the company. The Vice-President also encouraged the ladies to choose technical training as much as possible.

Head of DSZC Zsolt Tirpák said the training centre will provide young people with an innovative, forward-looking environment, technology and, later, a working environment. The chancellor of the Debrecen Vocational Training Centre underlined that young people see a vision for the future in vocational training, as shown by the number of young people who have applied to their institutions in recent years. He added that this has been increasingly true since the announcement of the arrival of the BMW plant in Debrecen.

Source and photo credit: Debrecen.hu