
A delegation from Debrecen’s twin city, Brno in the Czech Republic, will visit Debrecen in March.

Debrecen and Brno have been twin cities since 2017. Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic in terms of both population and area. It is the seat of the historic Moravian Principality and the centre of the South Moravian Region, within which it is a separate district.

Two exhibitions presenting Brno will open on 11 March: a photo exhibition in the New Town Hall Gallery and an architectural pop-up exhibition in Szárító Műhely, the practice site of the Department of Architecture at the University of Debrecen.

On 14 March, the Municipality of Brno and the Méliusz Juhász Péter Library will sign a cooperation agreement forming the basis of a contemporary literature exchange programme. In the last week of March, three Brno bands will perform at the Made in Debrecen Festival in different parts of the city.

In addition, in the second half of March, Brno will host a month-long illustrator-in-residence programme for graphic artist Péter Donka from Debrecen.

Source: debrecen.hu | Photo credit: Pixabay