Why is it worth learning German in Debrecen?

Why is it worth learning German in Debrecen?

“German. One language, many stories!” This is the motto of the Wunderbar Festival, a celebration of German literature, music, gastronomy and traditions.  For a week from the 31st  March to the 5th of April, German culture and language learning will take...
Debrecen Spring Festival 2025

Debrecen Spring Festival 2025

The Debrecen Spring Festival will feature outstanding local artists, bands, and family programs from April 5 to 15 at the Kölcsey Center and several downtown locations. Deputy Mayor István Puskás and Zita Dobos, CEO of Főnix Rendezvényszervező Nonprofit Kft, held a...
DKV is thoroughly adjusting its timetable

DKV is thoroughly adjusting its timetable

To improve traffic in the southern part of the city, a regular timetable has been established. The terminal of bus J1 will be moved to Felsőjózsai Street, thus providing a connection between the Alsójózsa and FelsőJózsa  districts. CHANGES AFFECTING THE SOUTHERN PART...