
The donations collected by the Szent József Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and College and the Svetits Catholic Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and College were handed over to the Debrecen Charity Board on the 14th of December 2023 at the Szent József School.

Addressing the children present at the event, Zoltán Bódis, Principal of the Szent József Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and College, said that when the class teachers announced the Charity Box campaign, everyone’s hearts were racing to see what kind of gift they could bring, as in previous years. He hopes everyone has found a gift to surprise those in need who will receive the packages. Now, it’s that special moment when the parcels will be sent on their way to be delivered to the children and the families for whom the school’s students have collected.

Zsolt Zsenyuk, deputy headmaster of the Svetits Catholic Nursery, Primary, Secondary and High School, said that as much as they look forward to the holidays, they always think of those who cannot put things they want under the tree at Christmas. That’s why every class, every class teacher and every child tried to collect long-lasting food, toys and gifts, which the Debrecen Charity Board will deliver to families in need. In this way, all these families will have a happier Christmas than they would have had if others had not thought of them.

Afterwards, the choir of the Szent József School sang a Christmas song, and then Ferenc Palánki, the Bishop of the Debrecen-Nyíregyháza Diocese, addressed the audience. As he said, he is very grateful that the power of unity is shown here and that so many parcels have been collected to be handed over to Father András Törő, President of the Debrecen Charity Board, through the Board. It is very good to receive a gift, Ferenc Palánki said, but now we can experience the joy of knowing that it is perhaps even better to give a gift and see another person’s joy. That is what makes us really happy because that is when love and a love relationship is born between us. Now that the children have collected so many things to give joy to others, the Bishop hopes that the love that is born will be in the hearts of the children. There will be true joy and true peace in hearts. It was with great joy that Ferenc Palánki symbolically handed over the first parcel to András Törő.  “We often hear the slogan nowadays that it is good to be good.  “Nowadays, we often hear the slogan that it’s good to be good.  Let’s experience that giving is more blessed than receiving, as Jesus himself told us. Merry Christmas to all!” he concluded.

András Törő thanked everyone for the fundraising on behalf of the Debrecen Charity Board. In Debrecen, churches, schools and the whole city community have been fundraising together for years to help each other. Just like a class in a school, the city community can work together for a cause more effectively than individuals can individually. On behalf of the Board, András Törő thanked Bishop Ferenc Palánki, who supported the collection, undertook this joint task and mobilised the parishes and institutions that are maintained by the diocese or with which the diocese is in contact. This is how the message was able to reach everyone. He also thanked the two Catholic educational institutions, the parishes and the schools and parishes of other denominations participating in the collection. “The more we collect, the more families the caring love of the city can reach – because this city is us together. If we do good and give something to others, we will always find that we get so much more back from God. From what we receive from Him, we can provide much more and receive much more in return, and thus we can start a process of abundance”, he said.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu