
The Municipality of Debrecen organised a commemoration and wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the heroes of the 1848-49 War of Independence, our defending generals executed on the 6th of October 1849 in Arad, on Sunday the 6th of October 2024.

The ceremony began with the raising of the flag of Hungary and the lowering of the flag to half-mast at Kossuth Square, then the commemoration continued at the Memorial of the Dying Lion at the Defence Cemetery, where  Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Defence, Member of Parliament of Székesfehérvár, Parliamentary State Secretary Tamás Vargha, and Member of Parliament Lajos Kósa, gave speeches. The commemoration was also attended by Mayor of the City of Debrecen László Papp.

Tamás Vargha, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Defense, Parliamentary State Secretary, and Member of Parliament for Székesfehérvár, said in his speech, “ We are here today in Debrecen, the guardian city of freedom, to remember and pay our respects to the brave and glorious heroes who gave their lives for a civil, democratic, and free Hungary.

“The martyrs of Arad also showed that courage, loyalty, and patriotism are the foundations of a successful nation. 1848-49 united the Hungarians. Nobles, citizens, and peasants fought together for Hungarian freedom, and for the values we take for granted today. Our heroes won freedom,  the survival of our language, our culture, and the entire Hungarian nation with guns and their blood. I owe them my respect and thanks that today we no longer have to make such sacrifices. However, we must also pay tribute to their memory by building a stable and prosperous country together, in peace, which will preserve our historical values in our rapidly changing world,” Tamás Vargha emphasised.

“We have fought countless battles for our freedom, from Rákóczi to ’56. And although we seem to have failed in these struggles, we won the peace that followed, from the peace of Satu Mare to the consolidation of the Kádár regime. Therefore, we stand firmly by the policy that wants peace, we learn from the efforts of our heroes, their sacrifice was not in vain; it enabled us to win the peace later on,”  Member of Parliament Lajos Kósa highlighted.

The commemoration continued at the stone pile of  Defence General József Nagysándor, where, on behalf of the city, Deputy Notary  Dr. Csaba Danku laid a wreath and then it ended with the wreath-laying of the József Nagysándor memorial plaque placed on the wall of recruitment office number 2 (58/A Péterfia Street), where, among others, Notary dr. Antal Szekeres placed a wreath.
