Debrecen’s extreme sports park has attracted 18,000 visitors in the two years since its inauguration. According to feedback, it is popular among both hobby athletes and competitive athletes, many of whom are part of the extreme sports section of the Debrecen Sports Center. This year, the organization is expected to emphasise skateboarding, which has become an Olympic sport.
Although it officially opens on March 1, athletes could attend the DebEx on Thursday. Located next to the ice rink, the nearly 7,700 square meter area boasts five tracks designed for extreme sports enthusiasts. Plans for this year include equipping the BMX track with a foam safety mechanism, a method already proven abroad, to ensure more safety for cyclists. The Debrecen Sports Center supports extreme athletes, and the city already has talented competitors in several disciplines as part of the division.
“In terms of training, trial and BMX training have been ongoing for a year and a half, and I would like to launch skateboarding training. These are Olympic sports; we must rise to the occasion. I believe we are on the right track, and there are many talented athletes in Debrecen whom we want to support and help in competitions,” Tamás Vígh, facility manager and head of the extreme sports section at DSI Debrecen, said.
Since its opening two years ago, the park has had 18,000 visitors, and statistics show it attracts people of all ages. Deputy Mayor Lajos Barcsa said that a real sense of community has also developed here, as the DebEx has hosted numerous events. He said that he believes every citizen of Debrecen can be proud of this facility because it attracts locals and visitors from the region, the country, and beyond the borders.
This year, more than ten programs are planned for Debrecen’s extreme sports enthusiasts, including national championships.
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