
The Fény Felé Foundation is currently the only organisation operating supported housing services in Debrecen. In eight of their properties, they provide care for people with intellectual, mobility and autism disabilities.

Another house was inaugurated in Józsa, in Alkotás Street 2023 on the 8th of December, as the construction works of the housing project of the Fény Felé Foundation for people with intellectual disabilities and higher support needs were completed. The grant amounted to almost HUF 790 million.

This money was used to make existing properties accessible and renovate them, and to buy new properties, which were extended and modernised.

“The most important thing was that once we started providing care to people with disabilities, we could create a network where we could really provide care that was appropriate to their needs and age,” Attila Suller Károlyné, chairman of the Foundation’s board of trustees, stressed.

The Foundation is in its 30th year of operation this year. The anniversary is being celebrated with the success of this year’s project. Deputy Mayor of Debrecen Ákos Balázs said that they have been working in close cooperation with the Foundation for more than 25 years: the community of Józsa is a cohesive and inclusive one.

“When you meet them, you see how much love and attention they have, and it teaches us to pay more attention to each other in our daily lives. Debrecen is a caring city, and we have always built on the knowledge and the solidarity that we have here in Debrecen. The work that the Foundation does is a sign of that, plus the heart and soul,” Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs said.

Attila Fülöp, State Secretary for Welfare Policy, stressed that our disabled fellow citizens can now live independently with care and social work 24/7, in safety, yet with their own decisions.

“Within the framework of the Széchenyi2020 programme, similar investments are being carried out in 35 locations, worth around HUF 16 billion, and I can report that a total of five thousand places are now available nationwide for our fellow citizens with disabilities, so that they can use the kind of services that are the basis of independent living,” Attila Fülöp emphasised.

The Foundation’s properties currently provide subsidised housing for 42 people, day care for 86, home help for 18 and employment for 45 people in the Józsa district.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu