
At the event, held in the courtyard of the Diószegi Samuel Baptist Technical and Vocational School, the importance of vocational training was emphasised by László Tasó, Member of Parliament, in his welcome speech. 

After the event, it was announced that a crèche would soon be built in the Husztikert by the Hungarian Baptist Aid.

The Baptist schools are now starting their 12th school year together. More than 15,000 students are studying in 42 Baptist educational institutions throughout the country. János Papp, President of the Baptist Church of Hungary, offered school communities a special guide to help them overcome the challenges they face in their lives.

The Diószegi Samuel Baptist Technical and Vocational School, which educates more than 730 students, hosted the opening of the school year and was welcomed by László Tasó. The MP stressed that the economy’s need for skilled workers is growing, so vocational training has become increasingly important. “Professionals and workers are expected, so it is imperative to have professional training in Hungary and here in the county to meet and serve the needs,” he stressed.

After the opening of the school year, it was announced that a Baptist-run crèche with two classrooms would be built in Husztikert. Deputy Mayor of Debrecen István Puskás stressed the churches’ social role in the city’s development and in improving the quality of life of the people of Debrecen.

To construct the crèche, the Baptist Church Service Centre for Child and Youth Education and Development received more than HUF 400 million in EU funding. The crèche should be completed by the end of next year, with the possibility of adding another classroom if necessary.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu