
Eleven settlements and twelve companies received the title Bicycle-Friendly Settlement and Bicycle-Friendly Workplace. The award ceremony of the Ministry of Construction and Transport (in Hungarian, abbreviated as ÉKM) competition took place on March 19, 2025, at KTI Hungarian Institute of Transport Sciences and Logistics (in Hungarian, abbreviated KTI), which was responsible for the competition, in Budapest.

The awards were presented to the representatives of the local governments and companies by the Deputy State Secretary responsible for transport strategy at ÉKM, Dr Loránd Bói, and the Deputy Director responsible for traffic safety at KTI, Tamás Berta. In the large city category, the Municipality of Debrecen also received the title of Bicycle-Friendly Settlement, while EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Ltd. was among the winners of the title in the Bicycle-Friendly Workplace category among small and medium-sized enterprises. On behalf of the Municipality of Debrecen, the award was received by the Strategic Director of Debrecen City Management Ltd., Miklós Kálmánczi. The municipality and the EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Ltd. have earned the title for the umpteenth time.

The ministry responsible for transport launched the Bicycle-Friendly Settlement and Bicycle-Friendly Workplace competition in 2006, which was announced for the 16th time in 2024 for local governments, small, medium and multinational companies, and public institutions. With the title that can be won through the competition, the ÉKM recognises local government and employer measures that serve the spread of cycling and improve its conditions. In addition to rewarding systematic developments, it strives to find positive examples and forward-looking solutions, process their experiences, and share them.

For the 2024 competition, 59 entries were received, of which 26 municipalities and 33 workplaces applied for the Bicycle-Friendly Award. In accordance with previous years’ practice, the judges established a staggered order, and from among the valid applications received, the settlements and employers were awarded in the “beginner,” “advanced,” and “title winner” categories.

One municipality and eleven workplaces received the Beginner Cyclist award, and twelve settlements and eight companies and institutions achieved the Advanced Cyclist award. The certificates of recognition certifying this will be sent to the affected parties by post.

The settlements that reached the highest category in 2024, the Cyclist Award, and the employing companies and institutions were invited to the award ceremony.

The awards were presented in several categories, with city and metropolitan areas winning in municipalities and small and medium-sized enterprises, multinationals/large companies, and public institutions winning in workplaces.

The winners can use the Cyclist award, the logo, and the sign in their communication materials for one year.

Winners of the Cycling Friendly Municipality category

In the City category, the title of Cycling Friendly was awarded to:

  • Municipality of Ajka 
  • Municipality of Budakalász
  • Municipality of Kazincbarcika
  • Municipality of Kiskunhalas 
  • Municipality of Lenti 
  • Municipality of Sándorfalva
  • Municipality of Szarvas

In the category of large cities (county seats, cities with county rights, and capital districts), the following received the Bicycle Friendly title:

  • Budapest Capital District III. Municipality of Óbuda-Békásmegyer 
  • Budapest Capital District X Municipality of Kőbánya 
  • Budapest Capital Municipality of District XII.
  • Municipality of Debrecen 

The winners of the Bicycle-Friendly Workplace category

In the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise category, the Bicycle-Friendly title was granted to:

  • EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Ltd.
  • Koliken Ltd.

In the Multinational/Large Enterprise category, the Bicycle-Friendly title was granted to:

  • Poppe + Potthoff Hungária Ltd.

In the Public Institutions category, they received the Bicycle-Friendly title:

  • BKK Budapest Transport Centre PLC
  • Mayor’s Office of Budapest Metropolitan Municipality 
  • United Kindergarten Pestszentimre Zöld Liget Member Kindergarten
  • Eötvös József College
  • Mayor’s Office of Kőbánya
  • University of Pécs
  • University of Sopron
  • Szarvas Arboretum
  • Tourinform Vásárosnamény – Mayor Sándor Filep

At the award ceremony, the Deputy State Secretary responsible for the Transport Strategy of the Ministry of Transport, Dr Loránd Bói, said when it comes to transport, we tend to talk about vehicle types and what is needed for their movement, so we mention road networks and traffic signs. Still, transport is a collaboration of people. It belongs to people who go to work, take their children to kindergarten or school, run errands, or relax in their free time. This must also be considered when we develop the rules that determine transport.

Over the past year, the Ministry of Transport and Communications has prepared the new Road Traffic Code draft in unparalleled, wide-ranging cooperation with the Hungarian Transport and Communications Agency, working with professional, interest-based and civil society organisations. The new Road Traffic Code draft was prepared in 6 working groups with the involvement of approximately 70 organisations and more than 100 experts, and the Ministry of Transport processed more than 700 comments and suggestions in 7 extensive workshops and hundreds of expert consultations.

The new Road Traffic Code changes its structure, language, and concepts, eliminates the errors and shortcomings of the old legislation, and adapts traffic rules to life. Its focus is on increasing traffic safety and protecting road users.

When compiling the new system of rules, special attention was paid to all traffic participants, from pedestrians to cyclists, motorcyclists, and motorists, with a special focus on children and the elderly.

The protection of weaker road users against stronger ones becomes a fundamental principle: that is, every road user must pay attention to protecting those who are more vulnerable than them. They must exercise increased caution with “road users requiring increased attention,” such as children, the elderly, or those with physical disabilities or illnesses.

Deputy Director of KTI responsible for Traffic Safety Tamás Berta highlighted in his welcoming speech, “Cycling organisations also participated in the process of preparing the modification of the Road Traffic Code; many proposals were put on the table, and the regulatory proposal that they proposed was something they had long wanted to implement. The rule is worthless if it is not accompanied by appropriate knowledge, good decisions, and a driver’s attitude that strives for safety and compliance. KTI places great emphasis on these tasks, which is why it continues its “Safe Kindergarten and Safe Kindergarten Cup” programmes to support preparing the youngest children. They are starting a significant national programme for the safe transportation of children because most of the child victims of road traffic were car passengers. This is unacceptable. Children travel under the supervision of adults entrusted to them, and due attention must be paid to this.” He emphasised that during the amendment of the Road Traffic Code, many amendments were made to the draft that will make the transportation of children, pedestrians, and cyclists safer and freer than ever before.

Source and photo credit: debrecen.hu