The City of Debrecen, together with its Christian communities, civil organisations, artistic ensembles and the residents of the city, proclaimed the unity of Christianity across the city’s borders and beyond with a Calvary Procession on Palm Sunday on the 24th of March 2024.
In front of the Reformed Church of Debrecen, Mayor László Papp greeted the guests. “In the 21st century, in 2024, is there, can there be, a calling power of church celebrations in such a community form? In the morning, everyone experiences the joy of Palm Sunday in their own church, within the walls of the church, according to their own faith and religion, and in the afternoon, we can experience the beauty of Palm Sunday in a completely unique way, in a special form, here, together, regardless of religion, faith or denomination? ”he said. Debrecen is a very special place in this respect, a very special city. The preparation for the Advent period shows this well, as does the city’s Calvary Procession on Palm Sunday, which is the opening of Holy Week, the final preparation for Easter. The mayor expressed his pleasure that so many people had gathered today and felt it important to walk these six stages together. Debrecen is truly unique in this respect. László Papp is convinced that our faith, our religious communities, which represent the past, the present and lead us forward into the future, play an extremely important role in the life of the city. They are the guardians and keepers of the traditions that make us love Debrecen the way it is. Whatever changes are happening around us, Debrecen is one of the great centres of Hungarian Christianity and has strong religious communities. This is the pledge, the guarantee that Debrecen will certainly not change in this respect.
Following the prayer of the Archbishop-Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Hajdúdorog, Bishop of the Reformed Diocese of Tiszántúli Károly Fekete based his thoughts on a Bible quote, in the framework of which he said among other things “”The great meeting point of God and man is the cross of Christ. Therefore, for us, the cross is not a decoration, not an ornament, but an evangelical message, which is a sign of God’s revelation, devotion, expectation, and openness. A great coordinate system that shows the breadth, length, depth, and height of God’s love. What people once thought was bad, God turned it into good on the cross. God’s power on the cross awakened life.”
According to Ferenc Palánki, the Bishop of the Debrecen-Nyíregyháza Diocese, “Since the beginning of Lent, we have prepared our hearts with repentance and good deeds. Today we are gathered together with the whole Church to experience in our souls the Paschal Mystery of our Lord, that is, His Passion and Resurrection. For it was this mystery that he wanted to fulfil when he ascended to his city, Jerusalem. It is with the living faith and devotion of our hearts that we remember this salvific entry. Let us also follow in the footsteps of the Lord, so that, as we are companions in his crucifixion by his grace, we may also be partakers of his resurrection and eternal life.” The Bishop called on those present to pray for peace.
The route of the cross from the Great Church passed through the following stations: Kossuth Square – St. Stephen’s statue – Old Town Hall – Reformed Church – Csokonai Theatre – St. Anne’s Cathedral. At each of the stations, prayers were recited in English, Arabic, Ukrainian, French, German and Italian, and representatives of the Baptist, Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Reformed, Evangelical and Roman Catholic Churches spoke their thoughts on biblical quotations.
In the programme of the Calvary Procession, the members of the Kuckó Artists’ House, the students of the Szent László Greek Catholic High School and Technical School, the Svetits Catholic High School and College, the students of the Ady Endre High School of Debrecen, the Debrecen Local Police Orchestra, the members of the Főnix Children and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble, the Hortobágy Folk Dance Ensemble, the Debrecen Folk Ensemble, the Forgórózsa Dance Ensemble, the Martin Brass Brass Ensemble, the Csokonai National Theatre Debrecen and the Budapest Operetta Theatre participated.
In the spirit of the celebration, two musical events were organised throughout the evening. The Lyra Orchestra gave a concert entitled Easter Harmonies in the Small Reformed Church, while the Debrecen Local Police Orchestra performed a musical service entitled Dominica Palmarum in the Great Church.