
After the holidays  the A.K.S.D. Ltd. according to the practice of previous years, in the administrative area of the city of Debrecen, organises the collection and removal of Christmas trees intended to be thrown away stated in the company’s announcement.

According to their information, trees are transported in two ways in less densely and densely populated areas.

Residents in the less populated areas with ‘houses with gardens’, can use the free green waste collection point, located at Vértesi út 9/B. s. located at the Regional Waste Management Plant.  In case this cannot be done,  the pine trees are delivered by the service provider on the day the municipal waste collection route is emptied, so they must be placed next to the bin.

From the 8 th of January 8 to the 31st of January the A.K.S.D. Ltd.  organises a collection service specifically for this purpose in the densely populated parts of the city, in the housing estates.The housing estates are divided into districts, and pine trees are collected from the districts by a scheduled route, one district is cleaned twice a week. The pine trees are requested to be placed next to the route of the communal collection route (near it if possible) without decorations or candy wrapping papers.

The 28-30 tons of pine wood that have become waste will later be composted at the Regional Waste Management Plant. Before processing the pine trees, the A.K.S.D. Ltd.’s employees will clean them of the decorations left on them and then shred them. The 2-4 cm long, shred wood pieces produced in this way are used later to make Agromass Kombi compost.

​Source: Dehir.hu