
Secondary Schools

Secondary Schools

Secondary education

In Hungary, secondary education generally lasts for four years; most students finish secondary school education at the age of 18 or 19. There are three different types of secondary schools:

Grammar Schools (General Secondary Schools)
Grammar schools (Hungarian: gimnázium) provide general education and care, preparing students for the school leaving examination and for commencing higher educational studies. Once completing the final year of secondary school, students take a school-leaving examination called érettségi (Matura). This final exam can be compared to A-level exams or Abitur. Since 2005 Hungarian Matura consists of five different subjects, including a written exam in mathematics, oral and written exams in Hungarian literature and grammar, a foreign language, history, and a written and / or oral exam in a subject of the student’s choice. The school leaving examination plays a significant part in the entrance requirements to higher education institutions.

 Vocational Secondary Schools
Besides providing students with the general knowledge of secondary education, vocational secondary schools (Hungarian: szakgimnázium) also offer professional theoretical and practical training in order to prepare students to enter specialised higher education or enter a job in a related field. Once completing vocational secondary school, students obtain a vocational school-leaving examination certificate.

Vocational Schools
Vocational schools (Hungarian: szakközépiskola) have five grades, of which three are vocational grades, consisting of general knowledge on the subject and adequate training requirements for obtaining a state-accredited vocational qualification, as well as professional theoretical and practical training; and two other grades preparing students for the secondary school leaving examination (optional).

To find out more about secondary schools and vocational schools maintained either by the School District Centre of Debrecen or the churches, public institutions, or various foundations, visit the official website of the city of Debrecen (only available in Hungarian).

International secondary schools

International School of Debrecen (ISD)

The International School of Debrecen (ISD) offers learning opportunities in English for students from kindergarten to the end of secondary school.  The education system of the International School of Debrecen (ISD) is based on the framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB), the high-quality international education program.  The IB has been working in school for more than 50 years, with more than 4,000 IB schools globally.

The Upper School section of the International School of Debrecen (ISD) offers an academically challenging and balanced program of education, which leads to an internationally recognized secondary school diploma. 

The language of teaching is English.

For more information, visit the official website of ISD.