
Exhibition of works by Transylvanian and Partium painters opens in Debrecen

An exciting and particularly valuable exhibition will open on Thursday the 20th of June at 5:00 p.m. at Partium House on Piac Street. The Kiss-Nagy couple, who live in Debrecen, for thirty years have been collecting fine art works dated from 1949 to the present day. At the invitation of Partium House, they have now put together an exhibition of works by 31 artists from Transylvania and Partium.

The exhibition will be opened by museologist Lilla Szoboszlai, flutist, the winner of the XI National Jeney Zoltán Flute Competition Gábor Hajna and pianist Gergő Sári.

List of exhibitors:


Imre Ambrus (Gyergyóalfalu, 1936-2018)

László Félegyházi (Szatmárnémeti, 1907-1986)

Jenő Barcsay (Katona, 1900-1988)

Leo Békéssy (Oradea, 1890-1966)

Árpád Bényi (Dicsőszentmárton, 1931-2006)

Tibor Budaházi (Kőszegremete, 1954)

János Deák (Nagybánya, 1928-2018)

Attila Demjén (Dicsőszentmárton, 1926-1973)

Gyula Dudás (Maroshévíz, 1929-2015)

Frank Magda (Cluj Napoca, 1914-1997)

Sándor Gajzágó Sr (Dés, 1901-1988)

Gross Arnold (Torda, 1929-2015)

Árpád Huszty (Nagybánya, 1933-2008)

János Incze (Szinérváralja, 1909-1999)

Jenő Koórodi (Ádámos, 1922-1999)

Kopacz Mária (Târgu Mures, 1941)

István Kozma (Szatmárnémeti, 1937-2020)

Izolda Macskássy (Târgu Mures, 1945-2021)

György Tamás Madarassy (Nagybánya, 1947)

Pál Miháltz (Magyarvalkó, 1899-1988)

István Moldovan (Cluj Napoca, 1911-2000)

Emil Róbert Novotny (Târgu Mures, 1898-1975)

Éva Nuridsány (Csíkszereda, 1942)

András Rác (Cluj Napoca, 1926-2013)

Endre Szász (Csíkszereda, 1926-2003)

László Szotyory (Cluj Napoca, 1951)

László Tenk (Nagybánya, 1943)

Rudolf Velényi (Satu Mare, 1940)

Ágoston Véső (Nagybánya, 1931)

Gyula Xantus (Borosbenedek, 1919-1993)

Mihály Zeller (Nagypeleske, 1859-1921)


Date: 20 June

Location:Partium House, 81 Piac Street

