
Great Forest Week Walking Tours and Running Activities

Heart- friendly Thematic Walks on 10th and 12th October at 8.30a.m.

Walks will be organised 2 times during the Great Forest Week by “Move Debrecen” (Mozdulj Debrecen).

The departure location is the Fog Theater (Ködszínház/Aquaticum tram stop), the route is 4 km long around Nagyerdő Stadium.

Mozaik Med Community Run on 11th October from 5. 45 p.m.  


5.45 p.m. – 6 p.m.  Registration, team photo, training information at Nagyerdő Stadium, Exit3, on the side facing the Zoo

  • 6 p.m. – 6:20 p.m.: Warm-up
  • 6:20 p.m. – 7:10 p.m.: Running
  • 7:10 p.m. – 7:25 p.m.? Warm-up, Stretching
  • 7:25 p.m. – 7:40 p.m.: FAQ session session

Participation is free, but please register and check-in for trainings at http://mozaikmed.hu/edzesek/

Oxygen Cup Forest Running Competition on 14th October

Location: Great Forest. Competition Centre (Start and Finish), 500 metres from the corner of the cemetery into the forest (Cemetery Gate No. 3, roundabout).


9:30 a.m.

    Welcome Speeches by Dr. János Mazsu, chairman of the Great Forest Society and the Debrecen Store of Value (Értéktár) Committee, and László Áts, President of Friss Oxygen Foundation

        Warm-up led by Mozaik Med

10 a.m. : Oxygen Cup Forest Running Competition

Please register for the event at sportstopper.hu

Source: NAGYERDŐ HETE “Magyarország legszebb erdeje” | Facebook