
Historical Exhibition Opened in Méliusz Juhász Péter Library

Exhibition titled “Brave Hajdú People, Rise Up –  anno 1848/1949” was opened in the first floor cloisters of Méliusz Juhász Péter Library. The exhibition presents the political communication of the period with the help of archival documents and press products.

Among others, Lajos Kossuth’s former manifesto as governor, letters of military freedom, a constitution issued by Franz Joseph I and a partial list of names of those sentenced to death in the War of Independence are on display in the framework of the exhibition.

Additionally, the legacy of Dr. Samu Kardos, a former lawyer from Debrecen, preserved in the archives, invites visitors to a special journey through time with the help of contemporary flyers and wall stickers.

The exhibition is open until the end of September.


Date: 13 August – 30 September
Location: Méliusz Juhász Péter Library

Source: dehir.hu